Swanbourne Nedlands Surf Life Saving Club, founded in 1932 (and the 7th oldest surf club on the West Australian coast), is a Club of more than 750 members that span Nippers, Cadets, Juniors, Seniors & Veterans. These people come from all walks of life to train, patrol, compete and socialise at one of the friendliest and inclusive clubs on the WA coast.
About the Club
Our Mission
To prevent drownings and water related incidents for all beach users by providing lifesaving services and public education.
To encourage and develop fitness and competition for our members by providing coaching and sporting events to compete in.
Club Objectives
To carry out the work of surf lifesaving, resuscitation, and the rendering of first aid at the Ocean Beach, Swanbourne, in particular, and elsewhere.
To arrange demonstrations and classes of instruction in order to promote the principles and practices of surf lifesaving.
To negotiate with civic and government authorities in order to ensure adequate facilities for Club members and the public.
To encourage the physical and social welfare of members.
To raise the money necessary to ensure the provision and maintenance of property and equipment to carry out the Club objects.
To cooperate with surfing clubs, swimming clubs, triathlon clubs and other sporting and community organisations.
To particularly foster the youth of the City of Nedlands and adjacent areas and to encourage them to appreciate surf lifesaving principles and be participants in Club activities.
To be an inclusive organization, dedicated to being open to all members of the community and providing a safe environment for all who choose to participate in surf life saving. We also align ourselves with the SLSA Inclusion & Diversity Statement.