2016/17 Premiership Series
Entries for September/ October carnivals are now open! The new season is now under way and entries are now open for the following carnivals:
Ocean Round 2 - 18th September - Cottesloe
Beach Round 1 - 18th September - City Beach
Ocean Round 3 - 2nd October - City Beach
Ocean Round 4 - 9th October - Mullaloo Beach
Beach Round 2 - 9th October - Mullaloo Beach
Ocean Round 5 - 30th October - Leighton Beach
State Endurance Championships - 22nd October - Trigg Beach For more details about each event, visit the SLSWA website at http://surflifesavingwa.com.au/surf-sports/competitions TO ENTER: Fill in the online form available on the link below by midday Wednesday prior to the event (Note: State Endurance entries close on 13th October) https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3XFJMG9 You can fill this form in multiple times, if you do not want to enter all carnivals at once. Best of luck to all of you!