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Club Champion Lifesaver Competition Sunday 25th February 2024

The Champion Lifesaver event provides individual SLSA members the opportunity to demonstrate in a competitive manner the physical, lifesaving and knowledge skills required of a Lifesaver. Swanbourne Nedlands SLSC will hold a Champion Lifesaver event as a stand-alone event. The Theory and Practical Resuscitation sections will be held on Sunday 25th February 2024 following the Youth Club Championships. The Physical Skills sections will be held on Sunday 25th February 2024 interspersed into and following the Youth Club Championships. You need to attend both sections. Detailed Program Swanbourne Nedlands SLSC Club Championships 202324 Champion Lifesaver

Equipment (a) Each competitor shall provide as a minimum the following equipment, that shall be available for use by the competitor at the commencement of the competition: (i) One rescue board or Malibu racing board. (ii) One rescue tube. (iii) One pair of swim fins (optional but recommended!). (iv) One adult resuscitation manikin (provided by SNSLSC). (b) All equipment used shall meet SLSA specifications. Note 1: If a rescue board is used in competition it is required only to meet the specification for Malibu racing boards. Note 2: Any manikin provided by the competitor shall not be marked in any way to gain advantage in competition. Note 3: The swim fins shall comply with the following dimensions: • Maximum 65cm overall length including “shoe” or ankle strap (ankle strap extended). • Maximum 30cm width at the widest point of the blade. • Swim fins are to be measured with the shoe or ankle strap extended but not stretched. The swim fins will not be permitted to be used if they do not conform to specifications or if they are considered a safety hazard. Procedure (a) The Champion Lifesaver event is determined on a point score basis with the competitor scoring the highest points being declared the winner. The total maximum points available are 120. (b) The three sections that comprise the Champion Lifesaver event and allocated maximum points are: (i) Physical Skills 40 points (ii) Questionnaire 40 points (iii) Resuscitation 40 points Competitors must complete 50% or more of the physical events and attempt all theory and resuscitation tasks in order to be eligible for a place. If competitors do not meet these requirements they will be disqualified from the event. (c) The Points Races Officer shall determine the order in which the sections are to be conducted. (d) Sections may be conducted concurrently, depending on the number of competitors and available time. (e) Draws for positions in the physical skills components will be made prior to each race. Similarly draws for competitor position order in the resuscitation section will be made prior to that section. (f) The rules, sections, points allocation and procedure for the conduct of the Champion Lifesaver event are detailed in the subsequent paragraphs. Physical Skills (a) The Physical Skills section will comprise four components and the maximum points allocation is as follows: (i) Surf Race 10 points (ii) Board Race 10 points (iii) Beach Sprint 10 points (iv) Rescue Tube Race 10 points The distances in the Surf Race, Board Race and Rescue Tube Races shall be as per the swim and board sections of the Ironman/Ironwoman events as conducted at the Swanbourne Nedlands SLSC Club Championships. The start, finish and conduct of these events shall be as per the conventional Swim, Board, and Rescue Tube events. The use of swim fins is optional (but recommended) in the Rescue Tube Race and, if used, shall be placed with the Rescue Tube on the Rescue Tube line. The Beach Sprint race shall be conducted as per the Beach Sprint event at the Swanbourne Nedlands SLSC Club Championships. Each competitor must start in each of the Physical Skills components. Failure to start each component shall result in disqualification from the Champion Lifesaver Competition. (b) Failure of a competitor to complete the course within any time limit allocated or complete the course correctly will mean that nil points shall be allocated to that competitor in that particular component. (c) The first competitor to correctly finish the final of each of the four physical skills components shall be declared the winner of that component. Points allocation for each of the competition components is as follows: Finish Position Points 1st 10 2nd 9 3rd 8 4th 7 5th 6 6th 5 7th 4 8th 3 9th 2 Questionnaire (a) The theory paper section will consist of forty Multiple Choice Questions derived from the current edition of the SLSA Public Safety and Aquatic Rescue Manual and relevant to the minimum qualifications required to compete in the event. A thirty minute time limit shall be allowed. (b) The maximum points allocated for each competitor in this section is 40 points. Points allocation for this section of the competition is as follows: Each question answered correctly 1 point Practical Resuscitation (a) The practical resuscitation section will comprise the following two parts: (i) Part A – Live patient assessment including lateral position, (20 points maximum); (ii) Part B – One person Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) on a manikin, (20 points maximum). (b) & (c) SNSLSC shall arrange the live patients and the manikins. (d) No watches are to be worn by any competitors during the resuscitation section. (e) The section will commence with a live person assessment including lateral (recovery) position. (f) At the conclusion of the live patient assessment the competitor shall maintain their position and await the direction of an appointed official who will give instructions to the competitor to move to the manikin. (g) Upon the direction of the appointed official the competitor shall undertake one person CPR on a manikin, commencing with ECC, for 5 complete cycles. The time taken to complete the 5 cycles shall be timed. (h) At the conclusion of the 5th cycle the appointed official shall declare “Operator halt. The patient is now breathing.” The CPR on a manikin section is then concluded, resuscitation shall conclude and no further action is required. (i) The procedure and timing for CPR is as follows: (i) One complete cycle for one person CPR (for all patients) is an External Cardiac Compression (ECC) count of 30 immediately followed by 2 breaths. Each complete cycle is to take approximately 24 seconds with an optimum minimum of 5 cycles taking 2 minutes. (ii) The ECC count shall be given aloud commencing with “1” then “5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30” over an approximate 20 second period. (iii) Immediately following delivery of the 30th compression, the competitor shall move to the head of the patient and deliver 2 inflations in approximately 4 seconds. The competitor will then commence the next cycle. (j) The point system for judging this section is designed with an emphasis on judgement of fact. A maximum of 20 points each will be allocated for the two parts of this section. Points will be allotted with deductions as follows: • Major faults (each) 4.0 points deduction. • Minor faults (each) 0.5 points deduction. • Timing deductions (manikin) 4, 3, 2, 1 or nil points deduction. For Part A or Part B of this section, if total deductions exceed the 20 points, the competitor will score zero for that part. (l) Refer to the attachment for additional details on deductions schedule for major, minor and timing faults, in addition to commands given to competitors by officials. ssm-section-03-lifesaving-and-irb-events-35-ed-aug-17-appendix-b-document

Tied Scores (a) In the event of equal points at the completion of the competition, the winner shall be decided by a count back system in the following order: • Practical Resuscitation Part A • Practical Resuscitation Part B • Questionnaire • Surf Race • Rescue Tube Race • Board Race • Beach Sprint (b) If a winner cannot be determined by count back then a dead heat will be declared


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