Club Champion Lifesaver – Saturday 21st January 2023
Congratulations to Tim Tucak who is the Club Champion Lifesaver for 2022/23.
Runner up and Female Champion is Leesa Equid.
Third place and Under 19 Champion is Dom Bertschinger.

Notes: 1. Leesa was late for marshalling again. 2. Theory paper was the SLSWA Champion Lifesaver paper for 2022 again. Written for that competition by Leesa. Answered in that competition by Tim. 3. This is the first time Dom has competed in Champion Lifesaver. Hopefully, he does so again. SNSLSC Club Championships 2022/23 Under 19 – Sunday 19th February 2023 Congratulations to Marnie Griffiths who is the Under 19 Club Champion for 2022/23. Club Championships 202223 U19
Club Championships 202223 U19 Detail 1. In second place was Morgan Broomhall, who beat Marnie in the Beach Sprint but did not contest any other events. 2. Marnie, swimming to her strengths, won the Run Swim Run and Surf Race in the Under 19 category. 3. No Under 19 Male competitors competed in the Club Championships SNSLSC Club Championships 2022/23 New Bronze Medallion Trophy – Sunday 19th February 2023 Congratulations to Rebecca Bruce and Alen Pazin who are the New Bronze Medallion Trophy winners for 2022/23. Club Championships 202223 NBMT Club Championships 202223 NBMT Detail 1. Both Bec and Alen won all four of the events comprising the New Bronze Medallion Trophy. 2. Brieanna Mercer and Mateo Armendariz Barriga were second. Well done to Mateo for competing in all four of the events comprising the New Bronze Medallion Trophy. SNSLSC Club Championships 2022/23 Over 40 – Sunday 19th February 2023 Congratulations to Kristie Orchard, Justin Owens and Raymond Lampard who are the Over 40 Club Champions for 2022/23. Club Championships 202223 O40 Club Championships 202223 O40 Detail 1. Fiona Broomhall was second to Kristie. Fi won both the Beach Sprint and Beach Flags. 2. The Male Over 40 was a great contest, with Julian Gibbings 2 points back in third, with Colm McCarthy and Peter Brigg pushing the top three. 3. Ray competed in all eight events, so perhaps Justin is regretting missing the Beach Sprint and Beach Flags. 4. Ben Leonard won the Open Beach Flags so was probably too tired to for the Over 40 Beach Flags. 5. Darryl Griffiths should live to contest the Over 40 Beach Flags next season. SNSLSC Club Championships 2022/23 Open – Sunday 19th February 2023 Congratulations to Maia Simmonds and Rhodri Simmonds who are the Open Club Champions for 2022/23. Club Championships 202223 Open
Club Championships 202223 Open Detail 1. Maia had a titanic battle with Kathleen Laws, who was 2 points behind. 2. Maia won two events and second five times (four times to Kath). Kath won four events and was second once, third twice. 3. Kath and Maia finished together in six events and were split in the Long Run and the Beach Flags. 4. Valentina Kuruc’s Long Run second resulted in an extra three point difference in favour of Maia. Kath would have won overall if she had overtaken Valentina. 5. Valentina was third overall, in a strong showing from the Youth, only contesting two events. Watch out Under 17s at the Youth Championships next weekend! 6. Harrison Pazin was third overall in the Open Male, with strong performances in the Run Swim Run, Long Run, Board and Beach Sprint. If not for his break in Beach Flags he could have come second! 7. Other strong performances from Youth included Jack Harrison winning the Beach Sprint from Lachlan Broomhall, Valentina winning Beach Flags from Georgia Pegrum, Lachie second in Beach Flags, Harry second in Long Run and third in the Board Race and Josh Engelbrecht third in the Run Swim Run. 8. A special mention to Elliot Kluken for his Sabrina Hahn joke in Beach Flags. 9. Iron draw was Board, Swim, Ski. Drawee was Bernie. SNSLSC Club Championships 2022/23 Under 14 Congratulations to Eleanor Turton who is the Under 14 Club Champion for 2022/23. Club Championships 202223 U14
Club Championships 202223 U14 Detail Notes: 1. None of the Under 14 Boys turned up 🙁 2. Neve was sick. Not sick enough to not come to the beach. 3. Well done to Matilda for contested the first two events. 4. Ellie was first overall in the Board Race (competing with U15s and U17s), Beach Sprint and Beach Flags (competing with U15s). Take that U15s! 5. Ellie was third overall in the Run Swim Run and the Iron, fourth overall in the Surf Race, fifth overall in the Long Run. If she was to have been included in the U15s she would have been Under 15 Club Champion. Take that U15s! SNSLSC Club Championships 2022/23 Under 15 Congratulations to Indigo Banfield and Harrison Pazin who are the Under 15 Club Champions for 2022/23. Club Championships 202223 U15
Club Championships 202223 U15 Detail Notes: 1. Oliver Defrancesco smashed out an impressive first run in the Run Swim Run but was notably slower in the Swim and second Run. Where upon he became aquaphobic. 2. Personally I am yet to be able to tell twins Bridie and Tara Swingler apart. From the results it seems Tara is the runner and Bridie the swimmer. I have complete faith the the recorder being able to distinguish between them. 3. In two seasons time when Ellie is in Under 17s, the younger Under 15s from this season need to look out! SNSLSC Club Championships 2022/23 Under 17 Congratulations to Valentina Kuruc and Elliot Kluken who are the Under 17 Club Champions for 2022/23. Club Championships 202223 U17
Club Championships 202223 U17 Detail Notes: 1. Valentina had a clean sweep of all the events she contested. She chose not to contest Beach Flags to avoid injury. As the newly crowned Open Female Beach Flags Champion she had nothing to prove this weekend in the flags arena! 2. Georgia Pegrum had a foot injury so didn't compete in the Long Run or Run Swim Run. Which is probably a better outcome than last season when Georgia had an injury so had to walk in various events, wasn’t meant to be running and the spectators were encouraging her to slow down! 3. We would have expected Jack Harrison to have beaten Elliot in the U17 Male Beach Flags. 4. We would have expected Sophia Defrancesco to have beaten Elliot in U17 Champions Beach Flag Off. 5. Oliver Defrancesco beat Sophia Defrancesco in the Defrancesco Beach Flag Off. Apparently that means he has to walk home. 6. Well done to Sofia Sommerhalder for competing. There was the potential for confusion with a Sofia, Sophia (and an U15 Sophie). The only time the recorder got confused was the Iron, but we know Sophia is aquaphobic. 7. The U17 Ski Race was held this season. Congratulations to Elliott who is the U17 Ski Race Club Champion, ahead of Jack . Well done to Georgia for competing in and completing the Ski Race. 8. Iron draw was Swim, (Ski), Board. Drawee was Helen Harrison. The U17 Male competitors opted to include the Ski in their Iron. The U17 Female competitors chose not to include the Ski in their Iron. Youth Club Championships Competitors Swanny Iron Series 2022/23 Congratulations to Kathleen Laws and Rhodri Simmonds who are the Swanny Iron Series Round 2 - The Specialist Champions for 2022/23. 202223 Round 02 Results Congratulations to Maia Simmonds and Peter Brigg who are the Swanny Iron Series Champions for 2022/23. 202223 Round 02 Progressive Points Notes: 1. Swanny Iron Series Open Womens Ranking: 1 Maia Simmonds 2 Kathleen Laws 3 Kristie Orchard 4 Rebecca Bruce 5 Brieanna Mercer 6 Elizabeth Bird 6 Emma Kavanagh 8 Anne-Marie Juengling 8 Valentina Kuruc (U17) 10 Amanda Simper 11 Leesa Equid 12 Georgia Pegrum (U17) 12 Marnie Griffiths (U19) 14 Annabella Alcorn (U15) 15 Joanne Turton 16 Mackenzie Pazin (U17) 17 Claire Tucak 18 Fiona Broomhall 18 Jordana Broomhall 18 Morgan Broomhall (U19) 2. Swanny Iron Series Open Mens Ranking: 1 Peter Brigg 2 Timothy Tucak 3 Alen Pazin 4 Brenton Laws 4 Josh Engelbrecht (U15) 6 Rhodri Simmonds 7 Julian Gibbings 8 Raymond Lampard 9 Justin Owens 10 Colm McCarthy 11 Elliot Kluken (U17) 12 Harrison Pazin (U15) 13 Callum Griffiths 14 John Henderson 15 Rory Yates 16 Daniel James 17 Joe Keith 17 Mateo Armendariz Barrig 19 James Brigg 20 Andrew Lewin 20 Benjamin Leonard 20 Benjamin Snedeker 20 Christo Rowley 20 Conor Doorley 20 Daniel Johnson 20 Jack Harrison (U17) 20 Lachlan Broomhall (U17) 20 Logan Ovenden-Clarke 20 Stirling Stilwell (U15)