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Clubbie of the Month – January 2020 – Miriam Williams

Writer's picture: Jessica LiJessica Li

Miriam Williams Swanny Shorebreak caught up with Mim, the 'n+1 th' William sister, as she awaits the fame and riches that come with being Clubbie of the Month¹ and we determine the value of 'n'.

¼ Mim is, of course, the younger sister of Club Members Beth, Annie, Bernie and Dave (n = 3). The Williams's gained their Bronze Medallion in the order Beth, Annie = Bernie, Dave then Mim (n = 3) although Annie = Bernie joined the Club first. Mim also has a non (so far) surf lifesaving sister Brianna (n=4) and soon a surf lifesaving sister-in-law (n=5 ?). Swanny Shorebreak put the following hard hitting investigative journalism questions to Mim: Many (80%) of your siblings can run and have won surf lifesaving medals for running on the sand. What is your surf lifesaving superpower? How fast can you run? I’ve only got into the competition scene over the past two seasons (? With Annie and Bernie as sisters!, n=∞) but I absolutely love it.  I think my surf lifesaving superpower might still be undiscovered, but all signs point to sand dancing at this stage in my career!  I’ve been training pretty closely with Bernie (Club all-star and 6 time Club Long Run Champion) this year so I’m pumped for the Williams 2km show down at Country Carnival. I can usually run pretty fast over short distances, even by Williams standards. I’ve been competing in the beach sprint and flags a lot this season and suspect I might give my siblings a run for their money at those events at Club Champs². Lucy Gunzburg has often claimed to be the fourth Williams sister. She can run and has won medals for running on the sand. Any comment on who really is the fourth Williams sister? Brianna Williams is the real fourth Williams sister (n =4), often forgotten as she lives in Melbourne (Bernie will inevitably meet the same fate (n =2)).  Our family is very inclusive though, you don’t need to win medals to make it in the squad. Lucy is definitely an unofficial sister (n = 3.5) and the bling she brings with her is just an added bonus! Who is your favourite ironman/ironwoman? Lana Rogers, of course! Current Nutri-Grain series champion, absolute weapon and a member of my second favourite surf club³ – it’s a no brainer!  I'm hoping to catch a glimpse of her training in Noosa this January. Mim didn't nominate an ironman but no doubt she is on the Poole party, the Bevi bandwagon or loves Louis! Favourite food? Avocado!♠ Avocado goes with everything, it is the holy grail for vegetarians/athletes/anyone.  I’m also very partial to the Daisies baked bean jaffle after a hard sesh. Plans for this season? My major goal for the rest of the season is to compete in the remaining Swanny Ironman Series races. I completed most of the legs in the last round and it was the most fun I’ve ever had in a surf competition. I love how the format is always changing and how hard you need to push yourself in every leg and even the transitions – it really keeps things interesting. I will need to majorly improve my ski game before I can tick that box though! I’m currently at a secret training camp in Queensland with the series leaders (Annie and Ben) and we’re training 3 times a day as well as stalking♣ some of the best Ironmen and Ironwomen on the east coast – watch out Swanny. Otherwise, I will be focusing on speeding up my 2km time, improving my short distance technique and keeping the bangers going as DJ minister♥.

½ Any sibling rivalry? (Limit 500 words!) More like only sibling rivalry, it’s the major motivation!  As mentioned, the next important episode in this saga will be the 2km beach run at Country Carnival where we can finally put a long history of allegations to rest.  I’m not sure anyone is putting their money on me, but everyone loves an upset! The rivalry is all fun and games though, I don’t have any bigger supporters than my family (and vice versa).  I’m very lucky to have such committed, competitive and fast siblings to train with and push me every day! What you like about Swanny? I love everything about Swanny! Although, if I had to pick one aspect of this awesome organisation; as much as I have been an advocate for secret training lately, there is absolutely nothing better than group exercise. On my own I can never run, swim or board as fast as I can at Club training sessions. The key is to pick someone just a bit faster than you and push yourself until you beat them (or spew).  On top of that, the Club is full of some of the best people I’ve ever met – those friendships will last a lifetime! You have a Masters of Engineering. Are you the smartest of the Williams’s? No doubt about it – the title is my only solace in a family of seriously diverse overachievers (n = √-1 )♦.  Although, the smartest thing I ever did was to join Swanny and I was almost the last of the Williams’ to do so - doesn't help my cause! No doubt you get asked to babysit your nieces and nephew often. Due to incredibly poor planning on behalf of your sisters you have to babysit and can only attend one of the following events. Which do you choose and why?

  1. President’s Cocktail Party

  2. Country Carnival

  3. Blue Party

  4. Annual Dinner No amount of cute babies will stop me from getting to the President’s Cocktail Party. I’m not sure who officiated♥ that stellar event this year but it was hands down the best Swanny party I’ve ever attended (and the playlist was pretty sick too).  I will definitely be clearing my busy babysitting schedule for Cocktail 2020 and can’t wait for the marketing campaign to kickstart again.

¾ Although I would love to sabotage my sisters and skip babysitting at Country Carnival to ensure I win the Williams glory, the grandparents have been dragged back from the other side of the country to head the creche at Smiths. You couldn’t pay me to miss Blue Party either (I love the parties). It is coming up fast and will no doubt be another incredible night – buy your tickets now! Anything else that is funny or interesting? My first ever patrol (30th March 2014) was the day of the then Naked Fig sponsored attempt at a world record breaking skinny dip, marking the biggest mass rescue¹¹ ever recorded at SNSLSC.  There were an estimated 70 rescues¹² within a 20 minute period, where the skills I learnt in my bronze were tested in a pumping shorebreak.  The event was prematurely cancelled due to the challenging conditions (mostly due to the sheer nakedness of the patients).  I haven’t been involved in a rescue¹³ since. Other notable achievements include ‘Best Move’ award at the 2018 Swanny Dukes Winter Solstice Comp.  I accidentally slipped over after getting on a wave and rode it back into shore sitting down (evidently very stiff competition). Notes: 1. Love it – thanks for the honour! Very excited for the fame and riches, I’m overdue for some. 2. Bernie is both a 4 time Beach Sprint and Beach Flags Club Champion. Annie and Beth both have a Beach Flags Championship and Beth a Beach Sprint Championship - Club Championships will be intense! 3. Noosa Heads, Queensland. Also home to Jordan Mercer. ♠. Presumably some sort of Millennial thing. ♣. Annie stalks most of the Nutri-Grain series field, but to little effect in the associated Ironman Series Sweepstakes. ♥. DJ Officer for the Club. ♦. Electrical engineering joke! 11. Biggest mass rescue ever recorded at SNSLSC. Biggest mass rescue of nude people ever recorded. Anywhere! 12. All of nude people! 13. Of clothed or nude people. Photos: ¼. L-R: Mim. Mim's older sister. Mim's slightly (than the first older sister) older sister. Mim's other older sister. (n = 3) ½. Mim flying past and beating the current Swanny Ironman Series leader at the SVN Swanny Sunset Run Series (n = 0) ¾. Mim right. Not a cute baby left. I don't quite get this photoshopped photo - it seems alien to me!

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