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Clubbies of the Month – June 2020 – The Brentoni

Writer's picture: Jessica LiJessica Li

Brenton Laws, Brenton Rzepecki and Brenton Tenaglia Reading the Annual Report, we noted that "this year we didn’t just break our previous membership record of 542 Members set in Season 2013-2014, we obliterated the record by reaching an incredible 702 Members (703 if you count our resident seal)." Not only have we reached a membership record, but the Club is also at Peak Brenton! Without being too Cocky and showing some Rzepecki we thought we would de-Tenaglia the Brentoni: ¼



As Swanny Shorebreak has been self-isolating we became social distanced from the eNewsletter. So very quickly we put the following hard-hitting investigative journalism questions to the Brentoni via email. They replied as follows, in the separate emails, probably unaware the other Brentons were also responding: How long have you been at Swanny? Brenton: 15 years I think.¹ Brenton: 7.... years i think.² Brenton: This is my first season. It's been great!³ How did you come to be at Swanny?  Brenton: Through the gang of Nel, Deb & Gunz. I think Nel♠ convinced me and a bunch of Uni mates to join (& did the same to Deb & Gunz the year before). Didn’t have a particular interest in lifesaving, I think it was more the social angle. I much preferred other sports, but have slowly grown to love surf sports. Brenton: A short, boring, story actually.  I had resigned from over 10 years volunteering for the Fire and Rescue Service and wanted to pick something else up. Living close to the beach for obvious reasons I wanted to join a surf club. Knowing some people from the Club prior to joining, one being Leavo, it's pretty easy to say the rest is history.  Why Swanny?♣ I heard swanny was more about having a good time than looking like an ironman, make sense? Brenton: I've been involved in Surf lifesaving since I was 10♥ but I moved to Swanny this year as it is closer to work and home so I can be more involved than I have been over the past few years. Swanny has a great reputation along the coast and it lives up to its name. How are you coping with self-isolation and social distancing? Brenton: Quite liking the quieter life. Iso-hack; the beach is still there, so that is enough to keep the mental and physical health going thru lockdown. Brenton: The truth is, it's been business as usual due to working in construction. I have however learnt that the sound of people constantly rubbing sanitiser into their hands is gross! The positive has been social distancing.  No need to shake hands anymore and wonder where that person has been. Brenton: I was one of the lucky(?) ones to be able to continue to go into work during these crazy times. I come from a big family that catch up pretty often so not being able to see them was hard.  My iso-hack was to learn to enjoy running, although I can't wait for the pools to re-open!♦ How have you gone at Club Champs and other Club competitions? Brenton: Sadly not too much to squawk about. Won a few flags races at Club Champs. Was a bit quicker back then and competed in flags at Aussies 2010 in Gold Coast… but got a DQ in the first heat I think. In the swim I lined up next to Ky Hurst (gave him a bit of smack talk on route out thru the break) who has a tattoo that says first is last and last is first – so according to the wisdom of Ky, I guess I won an Aussies Surf Race (not much swimming as the waves were breaking 100m out). Julian and I did not medal but did dominate in the Board Rescue at Aussies in 2015.∞ Brenton: Not a lot of participation in comps due to being obsessed with the Rottnest Swim every year and this taking up most of my training time. I did manage a gold at the last enduro champs, in the swim of course.∑  Hopefully, I can add to this. Brenton: I've enjoyed Club Champs. Can't say I've done very well but it's great to be able to achieve a few points for turning up each week. The variety of different Club competitions for each area has also been nice to be a part of. The Swanny Sunset series, the trophy swims, and the Swanbourne Cup just to name a few.√ Who is your favourite ironman/ironwoman? Brenton: Trevor Hendy (look up interviews with that man!).¹¹ Brenton: Jordan Mercer! Rocket, freak, has won so many events across so many disciplines.  My board is also a JM and apply named "Jordie" (not by me but it's stuck)¹² If we went old skool it would be Trevor Hendy, i remember watching the Nutri Grain series as a kid and no matter what happened in the race, this 9 foot tall, 6 foot wide beast would always emerge from the water after riding a 20ft wave sideaways on a ski and walked over the line like he meant to do that it! Loved it. I ate enough Nutri Grain to fund his career.. I'm glad it worked out for him. Brenton: Wes Gould - Last October, Mullaloo member Wes Gould competed in the famous Coolangatta Gold race as part of the Nutri-Grain Ironman series. Pippa Cronk - Ironwoman from Mullaloo, back before the emergence of Courtney Hancock. ¹³ Favourite food? Brenton: Damper cooked on a fire. Brenton: Mexican or icecream on top of ice cream for the "other stomach" Brenton: Pasta. Don't panic buy it! Plans for next season? (Also what were you going to do this season but couldn’t?) Brenton: Swanny Gold hopefully makes a return, Iron Man Series, might do the Doctor. Hope to keep improving my swimming and get some running fitness back (I re-iterate, hope). Maybe beat the wife at an Iron Man race should be my pinnacle goal.²¹ Brenton: Next season... the real answer is I don't know what I'm doing next week! Probably the same as this season, swim, swim, swim, patrol and try to learn how to stay upright on a ski! I'm also hoping to my mini-me down to Nippers, I know he'd enjoy being dumped by waves, getting sand in his bathers, drinking sea water and enjoying some healthy competition!²² Brenton: Gain more confidence with that Swanny shorebreak²³ on a surf ski. I was looking forward to getting back into the Champion Patrol competition, but it was part of the first series of State Titles to be cancelled in February. Any Brentoni rivalry?  Brenton: I'm the original! Brenton: Showing some Rzepecki! Brenton: If only I'd known! What do you like about Swanny? Brenton: The people, the community, the location. I have more love for other sports, but the Swanny community overrides that for me, hence I choose to spend my time here. Plus the fitness, outdoors and beers 😊 ³¹ Brenton: The people, the people, the people.  It's really enjoyable to be a part of an organisation that is run solely by volunteers yet is very professional, organised and run so well.  Being involved in a club with so many like minded people and there always being someone³² around that is keen for a training session in the ocean. Brenton: Great culture, super friendly atmosphere. Awesome events such as the Swanny Ocean Classic. How amazing did that day turn out?! Looking forward to getting involved in the RunSwim³³ as well this year (if it's allowed to go ahead that is?). Claim to Fame? Brenton: I met my wife (Kath) at Swanny, with Big Blue Party being the ignition. Co-incidentally my sister, Amberlee, met her husband Leigh at Swanny too! Brenton: I do drone on a bit! Brenton: I'm petrified of snakes. That might be the only downside of Swanny, reptile management is not my strength! Notes: ¹ Correct, 15 seasons completed, 8 seasons as a solo-Brenton. ² Correct, 7 seasons completed, 6 seasons as a duo-Brenton. ³ Correct, 1 season completed, 1 season as a tri-Brenton. ♠ Is there anyone who joined at this time, who was introduced to the Club by Nel? ♣ The large number of Firefighters who are members at the Club didn't sway you? ♥ Formerly at Mullaloo, which will explain some of the later gags. ♦ Claremont Pool is now open and Swanny Swimming Training has recommenced! Yah! ∞ It was Aussies 2016 on the Sunshine Coast. I've checked the Facebook Group SNSLSC Aussies 2016 and it states "But ultimately DQ'd!". Briggy and Lionheart had the dud end of the line in the first heat (after which string line was reset) but are claiming that board rescue title! ∑ 35 – 44 years Male 2km Swim. I won't be challenging you for this title! √ You did win the Oldham Memorial Cup – 1200m Swim Trophy in your first season. ¹¹ Kirsty Holmes, Zane's older sister also gave a good interview! ¹² No doubt by Julian Bibbings? ¹³ See ♥ above. Note the reference to Pippa and Courtney indicates Swanny Shorebreak answered this question for Brenton! ²¹ No doubt a shared goal with most of our Iron Women! ²²It's ripper to be a Nipper. Too much competition isn't enough, especially at that age! ²³ That is the Swanny shorebreak not the Swanny Shorebreak. I'm paddling with a double with Tamsin! ³¹ Perhaps you should mention the wife? ³² Do you mean Ray? ³³ Well now that you enjoy running and the pools are re-opening! Photos: ¼. Brenton ½. Brenton ¾. Brenton

Brenton and Bibbings about to be DQ'd! Who is Who: Nel - Helen Minchin (former Club Member, along with Deb and Gunz started SwannyFit) Deb - Debra Lyon (nee Hendrie) (Long Service Member of Swim Thru and Blue Party fame) Gunz - Lucy Gunzburg (Long Service Member, current Deputy President, former Competition Manager) Leavo - Tony Leaversuch (Life Member, former President, Club Captain and Champion Lifesaver) Julian - Julian Gibbings (Life Member, former Education Manager and current Trainer) Wife (Kath) - Kathleen Laws (nee Hammond) (Active Member, current Ski Club Champion) Amberlee - Amberlee Nicholas (nee Laws) (Long Service Member, former Marketing Manager) Leigh - Leigh Nicholas (former Club Member, started Swanbourne Gold II race before it was cancelled) Briggy - Peter Brigg (Life Member, multiple winner Swanbourne Cup Mixed Board Rescue) Lionheart - Tim Tucak (Life Member, Courtney Hancock and Ironwoman fan) Julian Bibbings - Julian Gibbings (Life Member, board paddler in Swanny Ocean Classic) Tamsin - Tamsin Keevill (Active Member, current Masters Female Double Ski Champion) Ray - Ray Lampard (Active Member who is very active, runs, swims, paddles skis & boards, doesn't stop)

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