Hi, I wanted to reach out to personally thank you for your support for our recent partnership with SLSA. It really means a lot to us to be a part of such an iconic Australian organisation being able to support such an amazing cause! We hope you've now received your special edition sunglasses and have started enjoying them already. We'd also like to ask for your help continue to spread the word about our exclusive member's offer. We know that there were a lot of members out there that might've missed the recent SLSA newsletter and we'd love for you to help us pass this info onto any fellow members or club admins who might be interested in the offer. We were really excited to receive such amazing feedback about the offer and we're sure that your fellow members will see the value in it too. LOCAL SUPPLY X SLSA - CLUB OFFER Thank you so much again for your support! Warm regards, Nyi Nyi Maung Local Supply: National Sales Manager M: +61-422-596-375 A: Unit 1, 147 Queen Street, Beaconsfield, NSW, 2015 W: www.localsupply.com
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