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New Bronze Medallion Trophy Event 10.15 am Sunday 20th March 2022

Writer's picture: Jessica LiJessica Li

The New Bronze Medallion trophy event will be held on Sunday 20th March 2022 at Swanbourne Beach starting at 10.15 am. A presentation will follow the events. The program of events is: 10.16 am Long Run 10.36 am Run Swim Run 10.56 am Board Race 11.16 am Surf Race (400m Swim) Detailed Program and Competitor Listing

Swanbourne Nedlands SLSC Club Championships

202122 New Bronze Medallion

New Bronze Medallion Trophy Question and Answer –

Swanbourne Nedlands SLSC Club Championships 202122

New Bronze Medallion QA Competitors must be qualified to start by being financial and have completed proficiency and patrol requirements of the Club relevant to their membership category. You must have made up any missed patrol hours. Prizes may be presented to winners of the New Bronze Medallion trophy event in the following age groups: Open Men & Open Women. The New Bronze Medallion trophy events shall be conducted as part of the Club Championship in accordance with the current SLSA Australian Surf Sports Manual wherever possible. Any departure(s) from the current SLSA Australian Surf Sports Manual shall be determined by the Surf Sports Manager and nominated to the Points Races Officer prior to the commencement of the Club Championships. Entries are on the day. This is open to all Club members who have been awarded their Bronze Medallion between 7 March 2021 and 20 March 2022, so make sure your training program is in full swing. See you on the starting line. Any queries to the Surf Sports Manager List of Eligible Competitors (to be checked for patrol hours/attendance): Anne Staude Chris Whitehead Elliot Kluken Emma Kavanagh Emma Shaughnessy Hannah Cain Harry Crowley Jackie Smith Jenny Stuart-Smith John Currie Kathryn Scott Laura O'Toole Maddison Coad Paddy Quinn Peter Tan Stephanie Hughes Zoe Mcaulay Aine McClean * Anna Edgar * Ciaran MacMathuna * Cliodhna Bardon * Daniel Baini * Daniel James * Elizabeth Murdoch * Ella Smyth * Ellie Deeb * Finola O'Sullivan * Gillian Cotter * Hannah Kaye-Coyle * Jack Harrison * James Boekeman * Karen Motta * Killian Dervan * Laura Koedyk * Liam Ashby * Liam Turner * Lloyd Miller * Lochlan Jones * Michelle Colfer * Naomi Winter * Nina Hitchins * Philip Makarios * Rhett O'Connor * Roisin Ni Dhomhnaill * Rory Yates * Rosemarie Blakey-Scholes * Sebastian Grant Smith * Sophia Defrancesco * Asher Caley ** Isaac Cohen ** *On the basis the paperwork will be accepted **On the basis there is paperwork to be accepted The New Bronze Medallion trophy event is conducted in accordance with the following By-Laws: 2.6 New Bronze Medallion The Club shall conduct a New Bronze Medallion trophy event annually during the season. Competitors in the New Bronze Medallion trophy event shall have been awarded their Bronze Medallion at the Club between the date of the preceding Club Championships and the date of the current Club Championships. Competitors who have successfully completed their Bronze Medallion assessment but have not yet been processed by SLSWA shall be deemed to have been awarded their Bronze Medallion on the date of their Bronze Medallion assessment. No competitor shall be permitted to compete in more than one New Bronze Medallion trophy event. The list of eligible competitors in the New Bronze Medallion trophy event shall be determined by the Education Manager and nominated to the Surf Sports Manager or their delegate prior to the commencement of the Club Championships. New Bronze Medallion trophy events shall be conducted in the following categories or as determined by the Surf Sports Manager or their delegate.

  1. Male

  2. Female The New Bronze Medallion trophy events are:

  3. Surf Race

  4. Run Swim Run

  5. Long Run

  6. Surf Board Race New Bronze Medallion trophy events shall be conducted as part of the Club Championships in accordance with the current SLSA Australian Surf Sports Manual whenever possible. Any departure(s) from the current SLSA Australian Surf Sports Manual shall be determined by the Surf Sports Manager and nominated to the Surf Sports Manager or their delegate prior to the commencement of the Club Championships. Points will be awarded in each event to determine the overall New Bronze Medallion trophy winner in each of the above categories. In the event of there being a tie, the competitor who has finished first in the most events shall be deemed the winner. In the event of there still being a tie, the competitor who has finished second in the most events shall be deemed the winner and so on. In the event of there still being a tie, all tied competitors shall be deemed the winner. The following points shall be allocated for all events: 1st place 12 points 2nd place 9 points 3rd place 6 points 4th place 4 points 5th place 3 points 6th place 2 points All others 1 point. The winners of the New Bronze Medallion trophy shall have their names suitably engraved on a perpetual trophy. 2.4 Qualification for Events Competitors in each race, event or trophy in Clauses 2.2 and 2.6 must be qualified to start by being financial Members and have completed proficiency and patrol requirements of the Club relevant to their membership category.

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