Oldham Cup – 1200m Long Swim – Sun 20th January 9.00am Start
Date & Time
Sunday 20th January 2018 at 9.00am. Race start 9.00am
Starting from the beach in front on Swanbourne SLSC, swim 50m out to sea to first swimming buoy, left hand round, swim 550m south to swimming buoy, swim 550m north to swimming buoy, right hand round, swim 50m to shore to finish on the beach in front of Swanbourne Nedlands SLSC.
Walk down swim back – Starting from the beach in front on North Cottesloe SLSC, immediately to the north of reef, swim 90m out to sea to first swimming buoy, right hand round, swim 1010m north to swimming buoy, right hand round, swim 100m to shore to finish on the beach in front of Swanbourne Nedlands SLSC.
(Note: alternate course may apply subject to actual swimming conditions on the day)
Presentation of the Perpetual Trophy at the conclusion of the Oldham Cup Trophy Event.
Name engraved on the Perpetual Trophy, to be presented at the Annual Dinner.
Trophy Winners embroidered towel, to be presented at the Annual Dinner.
Other loot from the Prize cupboard:
The Contenders: (Note all handicaps subject to review prior to event start / post event finish!)
Callum Griffiths
Colm McCarthy
James Anderson
Jarvis Banfield
John Henderson 'Hendo'
Julian Gibbings
Justin Owens
Max Davies
Michael Prosser
Paul Linabury
Peter Brigg 'Briggy'
Sam Rix
Simon Carlin
Terry Griffiths
Tim Banfield
Tim Tucak
Tom Rix
Tony Leaversuch 'Leavo'
Amy Prosser
Anne-Marie Juengling
Bernadette Williams
Joanne Rooke
Kate Hutchinson
Kristie Orchard
Lauren Brayford
Lucy Gunzburg
Marnie Griffiths
Matilda (Tilly) Banfield
Shona Hay
Sydney Hodges
Details of Past Winners and Interesting Oldham Cup Statistics see below
Previous Winners
Season Winner Season Winner
1932/33 1970/71 W Pettitt
1933/34 1971/72 John Stringfellow
1934/35 1972/73 Don Greenhill
1935/36 1973/74 P Wales
1936/37 1974/75 Brian Jones
1937/38 1975/76 S Wales
1938/39 1976/77 T Mort
1939/40 1977/78 Brian Jones
1940/41 A Walsh 1978/79 Ross Bosworth
1941/42 F Thorne 1979/80 Reg Beaton
1942/43 Fred Thorne 1980/81 J Russell
1943/44 N Bucharan 1981/82 Milan Klauz
1944/45 Not held 1982/83 Reg Beaton
1945/46 B Kelly 1983/84 Phil Gallagher
1946/47 P Wales 1984/85 Ross Bosworth
1947/48 W Wegner 1985/86 Jay Kimpton
1948/49 J Seabrook 1986/87 Brian Jones
1949/50 P Hopewell 1987/88 Brian Jones
1950/51 G Atherden 1988/89 T Leaversuch
1951/52 R Nicholson 1989/90 David Brigg
1952/53 K Kemp 1990/91 Andrew Bonnell
1953/54 J Craze 1991/92 Reg Beaton
1954/55 C. Weir 1992/93 Paul Entwistle
1955/56 R Vaisey 1993/94 Kristie Amies
1956/57 RJ Anderson 1994/95 Antony Leaversuch
1957/58 T Jones 1995/96 Mark Gerus & Mike Sliverstone
1958/59 G Fletcher 1996/97 Marina Goff
1959/60 G Smallacombe 1997/98 Colin Cook
1960/61 J Staples 1998/99 John Klauz
1961/62 J Staples 1999/2000 Ed Jaggard
1962/63 C Ivers 2000/01 Dave Clarke
1963/64 Don Greenhill 2001/02 James Doyle
1964/65 L Healy 2002/03 Kara Whittaker
1965/66 KD Jones 2003/04 Lynette Morris
1966/67 B Hunter 2004/05 John Stringfellow
1967/68 G Jolly 2005/06 Colin Cook
1968/69 G Milller 2006/07 Naomi Prowse
1969/70 GS Williamson 2007/08 Katrina Amor
2008/09 Tim Tucak
2009/10 Andrew Mellor
2010/11 Daniel Hazell
2011/12 Julian Gibbings
2012/13 Lisa Iannello
2013/14 Joanne Rooke
2015/16 Amy Prosser
2016/17 Kate Hutchinson
2017/18 Kate Hutchinson
Multiple Winners
Brian Jones 4, Fred Thorne 2, J Staples 2, Don Greenhill 2, John Stringfellow 2, Ross Bosworth 2, Reg Beaton 2, Colin Cook 2 and Kate Hutchinson 2
Consecutive Winners
J Staples 2, Brian Jones 2 and Kate Hutchinson 2
1st Female winner
Kristie Orchard (nee Amies) in 1993/94
Swims in the Family in the Oldham Cup
P Wales, S Wales and P Wales, Milan Klauz and John Klauz
Dead heats in the Oldham Cup
Mark Gerus & Mike Sliverstone in 1994/95
Oldham Cup Controversy
The 2006/07 race that was advertised to start at 9.00am sharp; started at 9.30am and the rest of field turned up at 10.00am to watch the finish, and weren’t happy about it!
The Management Committee meeting minutes state that Mark Gerus was ineligible to win the Oldham Cup in 1995/96 but does not explain why. Both Mark Gerus & Mike Sliverstone have their names engraved on the trophy.