Congratulations to Kath Laws who is the winner* of the Oldham Memorial Cup for Season 2020/21.
Oldham Memorial Cup 202021
Nineteen swimmers contested the Oldham Memorial' Cup this season as the first event on Super Sunday. Conditions looked great with the easterly breeze and no swell. Proceedings ran smoothly with an early start almost on 8 am in front of North Cottesloe SLSC, whose buoys we used as the first turning marker. The 'Go Markers' trio of Katherine, Lucy and Rachael almost went to the wrong buoy but corrected well as we all watched on. Colm started a few seconds early before backstroking off the beach. Unfortunately, the stringers were out in force.
Thank you to Lucy Gunzburg who was timekeeper. However, not many swimmers actually remembered their time so recording the results was very much as case of working out who finished in front of who. Then when we thought Kath was the winner, Sydney queried if she was eligible (later review showed she wasn't). Sydney was however second fastest, just 7 seconds slower than Callum (his forth successive fastest time in the Oldham Memorial Cup). Thanks also to Nat Owens for swimming with me and Sarah Power letting us catch her!
*By process of deduction. Ray's time confirmed from his watch. Callum and Tim remembered their times. Leesa thought Kath was Ray so was obviously behind someone. Anyway good handicapping as it was a close finish!*