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Points Races Round 2019/20 – Results and Standings

Writer's picture: Jessica LiJessica Li

Points Races Provisional Programme Swanny Points Races Season 201920 v4 Points Races Round 01 Results Round 01 Standings Round 01 Almost the full programme on Round 1. Unfortunately, the First Lady wasn't present to cut a ribbon but we raced anyway. Tim was awarded Beach Flag race as he was the only one to actually touch a beach flag. Points Races Round 02 Results Round 02 Rev Standings Round 02 Rev Slow start as we waited for Ray then Justin. Skipped board rescue but got through everything else. (Results revised as I couldn't read one name and confused the Brentons). Points Races Round 03 Results Round 03 Standings Round 03 Great turn out for the traditional races. Thanks to Kath Laws for expert timekeeping and recording. Kudos to Briggy for swimming with Ninette. Unkudos to Cocky for boarding paddling so slowly not to the finish line. Board and ski race handicapping now under control of The Spreadsheet. Points Races Round 04 Results Round 04 Standings Round 04 Average conditions but still a reasonable turn out. Beach sprint was between the measured and now spraypainted fence posts. So we'll get one distance correct! Points Races Round 05 Results Round 05 Standings Round 05 Post SwimRun Points so slightly quieter morning as competitors and water safety needed a rest. The plan was that you had to wear shoes for at least one event this morning but this didn't happen. Big Wave practised his run swim run for Proficiency. Points Races Round 06 Results Round 06 Standings Round 06 Post President's Cocktail Party so only the hardy or those who had a quiet Saturday night. Briggy hadn't yet worked out he had Ray's jacket at this point. The wind was very strong (well it was for my bike ride). Events conducted under the watchful eye of our Competition Manager Annie. Points Races Round 07 Results Round 07 Standings Round 07 Whilst a large group did Proficiency a small group did Points Races. Good conditions for racing. Have yet to identify Megan and Craig who completed the Run Swim Run Points Races Round 08 Results Round 08 Standings Round 08 Choppy with northerly drift but a good turn out for the swimming races. Naomi only touched the buoy and didn't go round it in the Run Swim Run but ended up with 8 points. No doubt a Stewards Enquiry will ensue. Points Races Round 09 Results Round 09 Standings Round 09 Heatwave conditions but the sea breeze came in about 10 am. More buoy controversy in the Long Swim due to the Swokerby Lion being moored on the northern buoy. For reasons of safety swimmers were instructed to round the Swokerby Lion to avoid swimming between the buoy and the boat. However on arrival at the northern buoy the sea breeze had pushed the Swokerby Lion about 10 m from the buoy. Some (Ben J) decided to round only the boat whereas others (Ray) rounded both. No doubt a Stewards Enquiry will ensue. Points Races Round 10 Results Round 10 Standings Round 10 Following the Presidents' Cup earlier in the morning, Callum and Sydney backed it up for another Long Swim, only it was shorter to encourage Nick to swim given the conditions. Carly got through the Long Swim in a wetsuit and was later successfully extracted from the wetsuit to contest the Long Run. Points Races Round 11 Results Round 11 Standings Round 11 No Nippers and holiday time so a chance to tackle lots of races beginning with craft despite the rough conditions. Slower starters in the Ski saw a sea lion. Long Swim was the medium distance given the prevailing waves / current / wind / enthusiasm levels. Finishing at the northern buoy meant there was a beach sprint back to the Long Run start. Colm's cousins came along and conquered the Swanny conditions. Updated to include Women's Board. Updated to give sprint points to Chris Betto not Haze. Points Races Round 12 Results Round 12 Standings Round 12 8.00 am Start for Points Races Sunday 5th January Why are we starting at 8.00 am? - One of the following: (a) To avoid the sea breeze and peak UV (b) Test to see if we can start Club Champs earlier (c) Allow Handicapper to attend an important birthday party (d) Make best use of a Nipper free Sunday morning (e) Cynical attempt to deprive late arrivals of points Apologies to the non-Facebook users who missed this post. The correct answer (to any multi-guess) is (c) and I was more or less on time! Points Races Round 13 Results Round 13 Standings Round 13 Post the Oldham Cup so most had probably left the beach to recover. Colm's cousins came back to boost the numbers. At the traditional 10 am ish start time which probably contributed to my sunburn. Forgot to set a middle buoy so the Run Swim Run became the Run Swim Run Swim Run as we swam around the southern buoy and ran up and swam around the northern buoy. Board race skipped northern outer buoy for downwind diagonal leg. Points Races Round 14 Results Round 14 Standings Round 14 We began with a 1200 m swim from North Cottesloe back to Swanny: Callum Griffiths 19 m 30 s ; Sam Rix 19 m 55 s ; Leesa Equid 22 m 44 s ; Marnie Griffiths 22 m 45 s ; Terry Griffiths 23 m 03 s ; Jol Godbol  24 m 30 s. Regular Points Races at 10 am. Thanks to Kate from the Patrol for taking times and names. Julian Gibbings had a big day and storms to the top of the leaderboard. Similarly for Nat Woolfit. Points Races Round 15 Results Round 15 Standings Round 15 Post Blue Party blues! Congratulations to those who completed the Triple Crown: Swanny Ocean Classic, Blue Party and Points Races. Possibly outdone by those who completed the Quadruple Crown: The Triple Crown and Patrol! Potentially outdone by anyone who completed the Quintuple Crown: The Quadruple and cleaning up after Blue Party! Flat and clear conditions for racing. Beach flags action for the first time this season with Nins keeping the starter on his toes with the extra flag. Thanks to Jason for timekeeping when really he wanted to be home asleep. Points Races Round 16 Results Round 16 Standings Round 16 Beginning with early craft races then the Long Swim with special guests Peter Goff (former handicapper, Life Member and multiple Trophy winner) and Megan Rumford (now with North Bondi, former Social Manager). Run-swim-run used the string line. Following the Long Run there was water flags (not a recognised event) then beach flags (not recognised as an event on the day as no one wrote down the results). Thanks to Leavo and Ando for helping me get the reel down and onto the beach, where we promptly didn't practice belt swimming. Points Races Round 17 Results Round 17 Standings Round 17 F. E. Ford Cup at 8.00 am and Duncan McPhail Trophy at 10.15 am. Thankfully the handicaps settled down by the times these started. Followed by a short Run-Swim-Run, a short Long Swim and a solo Long Run. There was a ski race, a board race and beach flags recorded to varying degrees. Peter Klauz beat Robbie and Jamie Brigg in beach flags. Points Races Round 18 Results Round 18 Standings Round 18 Between setting the string line and the Swanbourne Cup Mixed Board Rescue we squeezed in Points Races. Callum was tired after swimming solo to Rottnest yesterday and went home, missing Points Races! We had a short Long Swim around the string line, a short Run Swim Run around the southern inner buoy and normal Long Run. Great to have Goffy and Boss in the Long Swim. Nice conditions. We'll have a few weeks off before the final round of Points Races. Points Races Rounds 19 and 20 Results Round 19 & 20 Standings Round 19 & 20 Full Standings Season 19/20 Season finale with double points. Overcast and choppy conditions that matched the COVID19 pall over surf events. Eventually craft races were held prior to Nippers and the traditional events post Nippers. Big thank you to Claire Sands for timekeeping the traditional events and Kevin Armstrong for timekeeping the craft events. Kristie put in the hard yards on the run swim run and carried the turning cone back. Congratulations to our Points Races Champions for Season 2019/20: Long Swim : Julian Gibbings and Joanne Turton Long Run: Tim Tucak and Leesa Equid Run Swim Run: Tim Tucak and Leesa Equid Board Race: Tim Tucak and Natalie Woolfit Overall: Tim Tucak and Leesa Equid Thanks to everyone who took part or helped with timekeeping/water safety. There were insufficient Ski Races, Beach Sprint and Beach Flags events to determined handicapped results for these events. Full Standings Season 19/20 Points Races will run on the following basis this Season: Season winners shall be awarded on the sum of the aggregate points in each race, for only those races that were conducted regularly and on a handicap basis, in the following categories or as determined by the Points Races Officer: • Male • Female In the event of there being a tie, all tied competitors shall be deemed the winner. Overall season winners shall be awarded on the sum of aggregate points in all races, for only those races that were conducted regularly and on a handicap basis, in the following categories or as determined by the Points Races Officer. • Male • Female In the event of there being a tie, all tied competitors shall be deemed the winner.u

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