Congratulations to Philip Cave who is the winner* of the Presidents' Cup for Season 2021/22, in a close finish 1 second in front of Kareena Preston. Leesa Equid and Julian Gibbings were 4 and 5 seconds behind respectively.
Presidents' Cup
Twenty swimmers contested the Presidents' Cup this season and proceedings ran smoothly with an early start almost on 8 am at Vera View. Competitors left the patrol tower at 7.46 am and the clock started at 8.01 am so there was minimal faff. Thanks to Hendo for assisting in setting the buoys. The start south of the Vera View reef was rocky so taking the time to choose a suitable start line and route into the surf was key. Thank you to Jason Williams who volunteered as water safety and to Ray Lampard who kept an eye on swimmers from his ski. Thanks to Cherie for time keeping, which includes getting from the start to the finish, after the back marker has started and before anyone reaches the finish. Swimming conditions were great (compared to yesterday) with a calm ocean although visibility was poor. Callum Griffiths was fastest for the third successive season, the fourth time in this event, the eleventh time in swim trophies and the thirteenth time in perpetual trophies.
Kareena (left) second and Phil (right) first. Kareena and Phil demonstrate what a 1 second difference might have looked like at the finish line.
18 of the competitors in the Presidents' Cup. Terry was probably still walking along the beach. Briggy was running along the beach. Ray on his ski in the background
*Some competitors may not have followed the course map and pre race instructions to swim on the outside (left) of all three inner permanent buoys. Phil was on the left on the Handicapper who was on the left of the buoys so was fine.