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Striving To Serve - Swanbourne-Nedlands S.L.S.C. - The First Fifty Years 1932-1982

Writer's picture: Jessica LiJessica Li

Striving To Serve - Swanbourne-Nedlands S.L.S.C. - The First Fifty Years 1932-1982 is the Club's first history book, covering obviously the first fifty years from 1932 to 1982. No longer available in print, it has been reproduced below. Cover



The First Fifty Years 1932-1982 Page 1



The First Fifty Years1932-1982

Written by: ROSS BOSWORTH and ED JAGGARD with assistance from REG TRIGG Page 2


This publication is dedicated to:

The members, past, present and future, young and old, whose efforts have enabled the Swanbourne-Nedlands Club to maintain its proud record of "No lives lost during patrolled hours", while at the same time building up a competitive record that is probably without equal in similar sized clubs. The families of the members for their patience and support. Our sponsors and donors without whom the club could not exist or function, and whose generous support over the years is sincerely appreciated. Long may it continue. Page 3

PRESIDENT'S INTRODUCTION It is an honour for me as President of the Swanbourne-Nedlands S.L.S.C. in its fiftieth year, to introduce this history. Many members and former members know that the club has experienced its ups and downs over the years, nevertheless there was never any doubt that this milestone would be reached. Many of the club's achievements and traditions are explained in the following pages. There is much about the past, about those members of the 1930s who built a clubroom with their own hands, patrolled the beach, and introduced the original red and white quartered caps to carnival spectators. Nor has the present been neglected - the beach safety problems accompanying Swanbourne's growing popularity, and the rapid changes in lifesaving technology. Throughout the years, because of the Swanbourne-Nedlands club, the beach has been one of the safest in the Perth area. But what of the future? The greatest problems facing the club are its small active membership, and the reluctance of former members to remain associated in some way with it. Efforts are being made to overcome both, and I hope that the level of support will rise rapidly after the Anniversary Dinner, when many old members renew contacts with their club. Finally, on behalf of the Committee of Management and members I would like to thank Ross Bosworth, Reg Trigg, Edwin Jaggard and Colin Cook for organising the 50th year celebrations and this history. All of us look forward to even greater achievements in the coming half-century.

Gary Williamson. Page 4

FORMATION Prior to 1925 Swanbourne Beach was not very popular due to the undeveloped areas adjacent to it. By 1930 however, the beach area, serviced by a limestone road (now North Street), was becoming more accessible. The increase in the local population was reflected by the growing number of people bathing at the beach. The beginnings of the Swanbourne Surf and Life Saving Club can be traced to the summer of 1930-31 when a group of local swimming enthusiasts decided to hold regular weekend swimming races at the beach. It has been said that each competitor threw a penny in a tin and swam for the result. This was, of course, a minor form of professionalism though this was not appreciated at the time. This group soon became aware of the dangers facing the local residents who were the main bathers at Swanbourne. In the early months of 1932 they resolved to form a Surf Life Saving Club in order to protect those using the beach. At the same time the W.A. Surf Life Saving Association concerned as always about beach safety, was becoming worried about the growing popularity of hitherto unpatrolled beaches. In January 1932 at an Executive Meeting, the Secretary L.P. Gadsdon raised the issue of new clubs within the metropolitan area, and it was resolved that he would write to the North Fremantle Council and the Claremont Road Board regarding formation of surf life saving clubs within their areas. At the March meeting of the Association a reply from the Claremont Road Board was discussed. It indicated the possible formation of a surf club at Swanbourne, suggesting that the Secretary of the Association contact H.A. (Bert) Sharp about the subject. There was also a change in boundaries occurring at this time and the area of Swanbourne Beach now came under the jurisdiction of the Nedlands Road Board. At Swanbourne meanwhile, under the urging of Jack Allen Senior and others, the club gradually emerged as a distinct entity, following a meeting in April. This then resulted in two delegates, Bert Sharp and Bob Stainthorpe, the newly elected President and Secretary, attending the June Council meeting of the Association. There they applied for affiliation of the Swanbourne Surf life Saving Club and sought approval of club colours of light and dark blue (Oxford and Cambridge). This choice of colours lead to complaints from the other clubs, especially Leighton, and it was not until November 1932 that approval was given to club colours of red and white with a black Swan. These colours then raised tensions between the Swanbourne and City Clubs regarding clashing of colours. At the Annual General Meeting of the Association held on September 23, 1932. Bert Sharp was elected as Assistant Secretary of the Association. Clubrooms were a necessity for the infant club so approaches were made to the Nedlands Road Board. In September of 1932 that authority gave the club permission to use a small wooden shed (approx. 3m x 2.4m) that it owned on the beach, "provided that it was not damaged in any way". This then was the first home and was used for changing purposes and storage of gear. Within a short time approaches were made to the Nedlands Road Board for permission to erect a shower and build a small extension onto the existing shed for storage. The timber for this was generously supplied by the Board and erected by club members. On September 28, 1932 a General Meeting of the Swanbourne Club was held at the hall at Allen Park. It is the date of this inaugural general meeting where the club was properly constituted, which is accepted as being the official foundation date. Page 5 The foundation office bearers elected at this meeting were: President - H.A. Sharp Vice Presidents - B.M. Johnson, W.K. Kemp Secretary - R.G. Stainthorpe Treasurer - C. Franetovich Captain - A. Kemp After the meeting the following were written to and signified their acceptance of the following positions: Patron - R.G. Oldham Vice Patrons - A.H. Mercer, P.C. Anderson, S.H. Lamb. Donations of two guineas from the Nedlands Road Board and one guinea from the Surf Association plus the contributions from the Patrons and members subscriptions gave the club its financial start, albeit a shaky one. Nevertheless it was a near-miracle that such a small club should have begun during, and then survived, the worst years of the Depression. The club relied on the support of the local residents and the early membership lists read like a Who's Who of Swanbourne. Some of those are listed later in this publication. Jack Allen Snr., the local Road Board mernber was a strong driving force behind the club, and in the initial years his energy and initiative both at the club level and on the Road Board were invaluable. With the office bearers elected and having the use of the wooden shed on the beach for the storage of gear and changing, the club proceeded to organise patrols and instruction for the bronze medallion. Four patrol teams were formed in November 1932 and in January 1933 a Patrol Officer (D. Batson) was elected to re-organise and control patrols. It was also resolved that for any member absent from patrol duty without reasonable excuse, a fine of 1/- to be imposed. Training of the bronze teams much have been very efficient; on the 15th January 1933 the first nine passes were recorded in the bronze medallion. These were A. Cook, C. Franetovich, F. Stevens, A. Kemp, R.I. Dover, J. Arnold, R.C. Kemp, H. Cook, J.W. Coxon. By the end of the 32/33 season a further ten members were successful in gaining their bronze medallion - G. Gadsby (11th February, 1933), O. Gallon, R.T. Sharp, T.H. Colvin, C. McCosker, J. McDermott, R.J. Claybrook, W.H. Taylor, J. Allen, K.H. Claybrook (1st April 1933). Early assistance to the club (in instruction) was given by Gus Graham of North Cottesloe and for his services a whistle was given to him in February 1933, as a token of appreciation. The Club thus ended its first fully affiliated season with 19 bronze medallion holders and 39 registered members. By comparison the membership of the other clubs at this time was: Cottesloe - 115 North Cottesloe - 111 City - 54 Scarborough - 82 Bunbury - 40 Geraldton - 8 Busselton - 40 North Beach - 14 It was an outstanding debut by the Cinderella club, and augured well for the future. During the first season efforts were made to conduct competitive events with the North Cottesloe Club. Swanbourne also entered their first inter-club carnival in January 1933, competing in the beach relay, alarm reel and beach sprint. Page 6 The foundation President's Cup was donated and it was decided it should be raced over a distance of half a mile. Approaches were made through Mrs Stoneham (in November 1932) to form a ladie's club. During the first season the executive committee also gave serious consideration to the problems of dogs on the beach, fishing in the swimming areas, the prohibition of girls from using the male changerooms, and from the wearing of shorts or bathers turned down to the waist. The first two problems haven't changed much in fifty years and the third could again become a problem, but a brief look over Swanbourne Beach today will certainly show a different attitude toward bathers. The early thirties was a time of furore over bathing costumes. Some councils even prosecuted those who rolled down the tops of their bathers. Other controversies over bathers occurred during the early sixties with the advent of the bikini, and of course in the mid seventies, when nude bathing at North Swanbourne became more widely publicised. Early in 1933 it was resolved to approach the Nedlands Road Board regarding a ramp footpath connecting North Street to the beach. The Road Board was also asked whether it would advertise for someone to open a shop. The ramp was duly installed and in reply to the matter regarding the shop the Road Board advised that it had an application from someone who was willing to erect a building to cater for the beach patrons. In the later part of 1933 a weatherboard and iron shop and dwelling was erected on the beach by Colonel Page. This shop was known as the "Oasis Tearooms" and in later years was renamed the "White Circle" and later again the "Green Dolphin". It was the meeting place and means of catering for beachgoers until it was demolished in March 1960. Other improvements occurring at this time were further extensions to the clubrooms and provision of a shower in the ladies' change rooms. Also to be found on the beach were four small shelters, being Gents and Ladies toilets and changing cubicles. Club members' fees were waived for assisting in the erection of these and other shade shelters. The Nedlands Road Board advised the club in November 1933 that they would provide in the clubrooms, one light, free of charge, provided there was "strict economy in use". In March 1933 it was agreed to form an Athletic Club during the winter months so that club members could keep fit. Such manly activities as boxing, running and skipping were regarded as worthy inclusion on its programme. This athletic club was a useful extension of the club members' activities and interests for a number of years. The Annual General Meeting of the club in September 1933 saw two ladies elected to the club executive (Misses B. Poole and A. McLaren) and two onto the social committee (Misses B. Poole and E. Miller). This was significant as it gave the recently formed ladies' club some say in the running of the club. At this meeting the selection of a third colour in the club blazer resulted in Light Blue being chosen. This third colour has been carried through to this day in most of the club's clothing and bathers. It is worth noting that the competition caps in these early years were red and white quartered. By 1937 however, this had been replaced by the red cap with white stripe that is still worn today. The bathers worn were full length costumes with compulsory vees which were purchased by the club and loaned to members for use during competition. The 33/34 season saw the club's first state title - the senior beach sprint - won by Ron Claybrook. This was a forerunner to the club's strength in beach events during the 30's. The R & R event was contested in an interclub carnival for the first time at Bunbury in February 1934. These first two years of the club's formation saw most significant changes to the beach area and the foundations of a successful, though small club were established. The beach situation remained largely unchanged until 1937. The stage had been set however, by the efforts of the club members in their self help attitude towards gaining their clubrooms, for the subsequent developments that took place over the ensuing years. Page 7

Swanboume Beach c. 1932. Tearooms on left, clubrooms and bathing boxes.

"The Raft". First surf craft with Joe Gallon, skipper and A. Kemp, crew, c. 1932. Page 8

First Interclub competition, North Cottesloe 1933.

Ron Claybrook at North Cottesloe. Page 9

Ray Hogan in the belt.

Early members of the club. February 1935. Page 10

Laying of the foundation stone. January 1937.

The "Swanbourne" on launching day. January 1937. Page 11

CONSOLIDATION During the winter of 1936, the club raised enough money to purchase a new surfboat and assist to build its own clubrooms and public changerooms. In October 1936 a ladies' surf auxiliary was formed for the purpose of assisting to raise funds for these two projects. The Nedlands Road Board, because of the isolation of the beach from its main area and the poor economic climate of these years, was unable to expend large sums on beach development. After negotiations between the Road Board and the surf club a plan was approved and construction commenced in late 1936. The building was to be 10m x 11.5m and consist of a boat shed, ambulance room, gear room, office and change room - this being considered to be the nucleus of the club. Construction was to be of cement bricks with an iron roof. The Road Board agreed to provide the cement and other materials, mostly secondhand, for the building; club members made cement bricks on the beach and supplied the labour for construction. The building took shape over many hard working weekends and was sufficiently advanced for the foundation stone to be laid, followed by the christening and launching of the new surf boat, on January 10, 1937. Representatives and standard bearers from the City, Scarborough, Cottesloe and North Cottesloe clubs were present in a display of goodwill and fellowship. Construction of the clubrooms continued and it was not until the end of 1937 that the building was substantially finished. Unemployed members had their fees waived providing they did one day's work on the clubrooms. In May l937 concern was being raised at the encroaching sea during winter storms and an offer of £50 was made to the Nedlands Road Board, being all of the club's surplus funds, for the erection of a sea wall in front of the new clubrooms to protect it. Fortunately this offer was refused; it may well have bankrupted the club. About this time too, the ramp from North Street was replaced by a double plank road, constructed from railway sleepers and oil drums filled with rubble, and a small parking and turning area was provided at the rear of the surf club building. The public change rooms were then the old weatherboard shed divided by a wooden partition to segregate men and women and there were no shower facilities. The club's first state representation was in 1938 when Ron Claybrook, Ossie Gallon, Roy Kemp and George Gadsby were selected to carry the state colours at the Australian Championships at Bondi on February 19th. At the Inter Dominion carnival held one week later at Manly, Roy Kemp gained a second place in the Beach Sprint final. Further work on extensions to the clubroorns to provide male changerooms and a toilet block on the north wall was commenced in the early months of 1939. More cement bricks were made and the work progressed over an extended period of time. The following comments from the executive committee minutes of March 5, 1940 summed up the situation:- "It is pleasing to see the work on the remainder of the Club Rooms is well underway but at the same time regrettable that the majority of the members are content to sit back and watch, instead of making a concerted drive to accomplish the long standing desire of all true members". Prophetic words, and a statement that could just as easily be used to sum up the situation in the 80's. These extensions, adding an area of 10m x 8m to the building, roughly doubled the clubroom's size. They were finished in mid-1940 but the opening was postponed until the commencement of the 1940/41 season when an approach was made to the Nedlands Road Board to extend power to the new extensions. Page 12 By October 1941 erosion was becoming such a problem at the front of the clubrooms that, in an attempt to combat this, the committee decided to place slabs in front of the boat shed, build a small retaining wall north of the clubrooms, and cement over the tar drums in front of the clubrooms. Thus another successful battle was fought in the ongoing war between the club and the encroaching ocean. In 1941, following the completion of the extensions to the clubrooms, and because of the rapidly deteriorating condition of the public changeroom, the original wooden shed was demolished and the male public allowed to change in the Surf Club Rooms. A partition was later added separating the public and club members. The surf club office was turned into a small ladies' changeroom for the public, but without showers. Later a wooden lean-to structure was built on the south side of the building for ladies' showers. The parking area was also improved during this period. Club membership suffered dramatically with the outbreak of World War II. Junior and Sub Junior members took over the running of the club during these years when the senior members were called to the forces. In all fifty-five members of the club saw service during the war, and of these Charlie McCosker, George Ward, Jim Lyneham, D. Williams and George Gadsby lost their lives. Surprisingly, even though there was a large drain on senior members the club came through the war years reasonably well. The strong junior contingent held the club together and performed the patrol activities with remarkable success. Swanbourne in fact suffered less of a set back during this period than most other clubs. This can be attributed to the continuity that existed in the key positions in the club. Maturity was combined with experience and youth to provide the cohesion so necessary to maintain club performance. Wally Kemp served as President. Tom Woodall as Captain brought with him a wealth of knowledge and experience from Leighton and he was instrumental in the immediate post war successes; A. J. (Bluey) Marks as Treasurer for the club and later for the Association, and Bill Godfrey as Vice Captain or Chief Instructor all provided the stability to see the club through the war years. The biggest problem facing the club apart from the loss of senior members was finance. Several appeals for public support were undertaken in the early years of the 1940's. The ladies'club was re-established late in 1943 and this assisted the general club membership. Through the early years of the forties fairly close ties existed with North Cottesloe. Combined dances were run during this period and the profits from these benefited both clubs meagre finances significantly. By 1945 however, North Cottesloe decided to go it alone with the organisation and running of the dances. While the two clubs were co-operating on a social level a strong degree of good natured competitive rivalry was developing on the beach. Inter club jousts, flour bomb and fruit fights between surf boats with the occasional harassment on the beach all added interest. At a special general meeting of the club held on October 14, 1945 the Nedlands part of the club's present title was included. The reasons for this were twofold: firstly it was in recognition of the club being within the jurisdiction of the Nedlands Road Board (now City of Nedlands), and secondly because of the close ties and interchange of swimmers with the Nedlands Swimming Club. In the immediate post war years the need for ladies' facilities in particular was paramount as large crowds were swimming at Swanbourne. Protracted discussions were held with the Nedlands Road Board and the State Housing Commission regarding the provision of extensions to the club. The fast developing adjacent residential areas required all of the West Ward finances for urgent works programmes at it was not until 1949 that the Road Board allocated £200 toward the extensions and work commenced. The Road Board again provided the materials and the club members provided the majority of the labour. The bricks were made by members in the Road Board Yard. Completion of the extensions took some time but when finished the old iron roof was removed and the whole building reroofed with asbestos sheeting. A down road in a loop from the end of Marine Parade (the start of the existing parking area in front of the Club) and a larger parking area behind the club building were constructed, and the beach area generally improved. Page 13 The strong junior membership of the club over the war years now resulted in the Swanbourne-Nedlands club having a remarkable impact on the competitive scene. Wins in the Senior R & R earned the club the title of premier club in the 1945-46 and 1946-47 seasons. In addition Bemie Kelly, having won the State Belt Race title earned the right to compete at the Australian Championships at Coolangatta, Queensland in 1947. Encouraged by Allan Kennedy, Bernie made the trip and won the club's (and WA.'s) first Australian Title in the Senior Belt Race. The fifties were a strong competitive era, but it was unusual in that all the championships won during this period were gained by juniors and cadets - not one senior title was recorded during this period. This lack of senior championships was not caused by lack of effort, indeed many placings were recorded. What it did indicate was the difficult transition from junior to senior ranks. Very few of these promising juniors became successful seniors, and many dropped out of the club altogether. This left the seniors to carry the patrol burden as well and resulted eventually in the mid sixties slump when the older members retired. Notable events during the 1950's were the purchase of the club's second surf boat in 1954; the decision by the club executive in 1954 to allow trunks to be worn in water events though full costume was required for beach events; and in 1957 the Women's Auxiliary was reformed. Members from Swanbourne also assisted the formation of new clubs at Binningup in 1955/56 and Tarcoola in 1959/60. Unfortunately these were no more than a momentary interest and despite their good intentions the clubs foundered within a short time. The years had proved that the site for the club buildings had not been well chosen. Changed wind currents, sand drifts and beach erosion now placed the structure dangerously close to the sea. Year after year the club and Road Board fought the encroaching seas with a variety of retaining walls, breakwaters etc. in an attempt to save the club. In the winter of 1955 the winter storms were so severe that the foundations were undermined. The building was saved and the sand replaced. The necessity for re-siting the clubrooms was now firmly established in everyone's mind. With increased patronage of the beach the facilities were again becoming inadequate. In addition the "Green Dolphin" which had remained fundamentally unchanged for twenty-one years, was now a disgrace. Discussions over a period of time took place between the Club and the Nedlands City Council for a total development plan for Swanbourne Beach. One of the early proposals in 1957 aimed at reducing or combating the beach erosion was the provision of a groyne at the northern end of the beach, roughly in line with the boundary of the army re-serve. The idea of a groyne has been raised several times since then, but mainly centring around the reef at the southern end of the beach. Another proposal was the provision of an offshore artificial reef cum breakwater made from old tyres or similar. None of these schemes was any more than a pipedream. The Council was generally behind a plan to improve the beach and after having reduced an architect's plan for the area because of financial limitations, agreed on a development programme. Funds for the development were raised by the Council opening up and selling residential land behind the beach - the Odern Crescent and Clement Street areas. By 1959 the construction of a new kiosk and public changerooms was completed. Entry to the changerooms was through tumstiles in the kiosk and a fee was charged for the use of these facilities. Cloaking facilities were also provided for beach patrons. The Kiosk/Changeroom building remained unchanged until 1967 when the club took over the lease of the kiosk, and access through the kiosk to the changerooms was blocked off and external access provided. Page 14 Construction of the Club Pavilion followed the kiosk and changerooms, and on August 20, 1960 the Surf Club Pavilion was opened by the Governor Sir Charles Gairdner. This building, still in use today, comprises separate male and female changerooms, a kitchen and the hall area. The hall area was divided into two by a concertina partition, one half at the kitchen end for social use, the other half for storage of boats and gear. For larger functions the gear could be removed and the partitions folded back to give the hall space as it is today. The car park in front of the surf club was merely a crushed limestone affair and this remained for a good number of years, well into the seventies. The multitude of rocks on the beach today are a direct legacy from this "temporary" arrangement. A new bitumen car park was constructed to the rear of the club building and it was intended that this be extended in later years. The old concrete block clubrooms continued in use for a short while for storage of gear. After teetering on the edge of the eroded beach it was eventually declared unsafe and demolished in 1961. The second stage of the development was the building of proper boatshed, ambulance room and lookout facilities. This building was completed in October 1963 and with the first stage, gave the Club its first real home, quarters that were then without equal in the state and opened the way for development by other beach councils. Part of the proposed development also was the continuation of Marine Parade northward behind the clubrooms to meet with the continuation of Alfred Road to open up the beach area. Unfortunately this did not occur due to problems in obtaining release of the land from the Army. In the mid sixties the Surf Association membership suffered a fairly severe setback. This was brought about by the surfboard craze. Clubs up and down the coast felt the effects as younger members became enticed away by the freedom offered by surfing. The smaller clubs felt these effects more than the others and Swanbourne and North Beach were two clubs whose membership dwindled to such an extent as to place the clubs' existence in doubt. Swanbourne survived this crisis. Unfortunately, North Beach did not. A bright spot in these hard times was the club's second Australian Championship. This was a Junior Surf Boat title at Scarborough in 1965. This was W.A.'s first boat championship win. Crew members were John Stringfellow (sweep), George Jolly, Trevor Bidwell, Terry Colby and Bill Herdsman. The calm conditions of the day suited the long stroking local crew over their higher rating but shorter stroking eastern states counterparts. R.G. (Bob) Milne was another notable competitor in these days with a succession of State Junior and Senior Surf Belt titles to his credit, as well as a string of victories in the Champion Lifesaver event. The words "Swanbourne Stomp" will bring back many memories of those mid sixties years. This weekly event gained widespread popularity (and notoriety) for what was then considered "wild" behaviour. Run by an independent promoter the stomp brought a lot of people to the beach and in one sense, put Swanbourne on the map. Unfortunately it also caused a lot of wear and tear to the wooden floor of the hall. In 1967 the metal lookout tower on the beach was in such a state of disrepair as to be a danger to the public and was subsequently removed. This tower which had been purchased by the club in the 1955/56 season was located roughly in line with the southern end of the hall building. This had served the club as its observation post until the completion of the boatshed and tower building late in 1963. Its use after that time was only occasional and, in its later years before being pulled down, it became a dangerous playground for the local children. Page 15

DECLINE AND RECOVERY The Ladies' Surf Auxiliary which had been strong in the late fifties and through the sixties suffered from waning interest along with the ladies' club and went into recession in September 1973. General apathy toward the club in general was apparent at this time. Membership and interest dwindled. Eventually, in February 1974, the club considered seeking partial affiliation with the State Centre because it could not keep up its patrol commitments. Happily, full affiliation was maintained, a reduction in patrol strength being granted to see the club through this period. This was the season after the club's state championship double - the senior R & R and A boat crew. A number of the members of both teams dropped out after these wins and the club's competitive spirit faltered. Club stalwarts and keen competitors Bob Milne and "Chippy" Greenhill, along with Doug Thompson, transferred to Triggs Surf Club so they could continue competing. By late 1974 the club was recovering from these setbacks and looking for ways of improving its membership. A Beach Development committee was created to formulate proposals for generally improving and enhancing the general beach area and the club facilities. As part of this improvement proposal, the lower carpark, which by now had finally been bitumenised, was extended and retaining, walls built on both sides. Various proposals and submissions were put forward relating to improved club facilities. These included a second storey on the existing boatshed to provide recreational facilities and a new boatshed and ambulance room built in front of but below the level of the lower carpark. This latter proposal was objected to fairly strongly by the Council and others who were opposed to any building west of the carpark, in view of our own experiences with the previous clubrooms. The proponents of this view felt that the soundness of this objection was demonstrated during Cyclone Alby in April 1978 when the Cottesloe and Floreat clubs suffered from the severe erosion that occurred at the time. The erosion at Swanbourne was dramatic and though not back to the proposed building line, was close enough to cause concern. Considerable discussion was generated by the Australia wide proposal in 1976 regarding the introduction of women into the surf lifesaving movement. This topic exercised the minds of many (both for and against the proposal) and although no decision was forthcoming at this time it was only a number of years before women were admitted into the association as equals. In 1980 when this finally occurred Debbie Fleming, Donna Biggs and Cathy Godfrey became the first female bronze medallion holders in the club. An often talked about project (by the "Gunners") finally came into fruition in late 1977. This was the provision of permanent BBQ facilities. This was achieved by building walls on the east and west sides of the patio and between the hall and the boatshed buildings. Gas fired BBQs were installed thus removing that perennial problem - finding wood. This project was funded entirely by the club and later a pergola was added. The other factor having a significant effect on the club at this time was the ever increasing popularity of the nude beach on Crown land north of the main beach. This brought wide spread publicity for Swanbourne (not all of it good) and made it known far and wide. Unfortunately it also brought problems to the previously quiet beach. The increased numbers of people meant more cars, the carparks could not cope and patrons of the beach were parking in the streets up to a mile away, much to the ire of the local residents. Lack of parking also had an affect on the club members and their families, prompting some to go elsewhere where it was not so crowded. This, combined with the moral issue, was a major factor in the significant decline in the Juvenile Division of the club, which until then had been progressing strongly. Page 16

"Oasis" tearooms, new concrete block clubrooms and old wooden building. 1939.

Swanboume's first state team members: R. Claybrook, O. Gallon, R. Kemp, G. Gadsby. Page 17

The "Swanboume" 1939. H. Cook, front left; T. CoMn and O. Gallon, front right; with S. Wiltshire, J. Allen, A. Kemp, D. Godfrey behind boat.

"Tiger" Rowley bringing In the "Swanbourne" on a wave. Page 18

First Premier R &. R Team being Inspected by State President, Laurie Gadsdon, Swanboume 1946. Team (L to R): K. Claybrook, P. Walsh, B. Kelly, W. Dorrizzi, N. Buchanan, F. Thome. Page 19

1947 Premier R &. R Team. P. Walsh, B. Kelly, J. Kelly, T. Woodall (Club Captain), A. Martin, A. Wales, F. Thome.

Bernie Kelly, State and Australian Belt Race Champion 1947. Page 20 As a Surf Lifesaving Club with the specific aim of looking after the safety of the bathing public, the sudden influx of swimmers  completely overloaded the club's patrol capabilities. Even though the majority of these people were swimming outside the patrolled area, there was a clear obligation to look after them. The biggest problem apart from the numbers was their location. Situated a kilometre north of the clubrooms, in the event of an emergency at this beach by the time club members were in a position to respond the situation could have been very serious. Fortunately, the surf movement was undergoing several significant advances in techniques to bring it more in tune with modern requirements. The nude beach issue, if nothing else, forced the club into these changes somewhat quicker than might otherwise have happened. To overcome the distance and communication problem of the enlarged area, the club sought and gained a much needed sponsorship for a four wheel drive vehicle from the local dealer Windsors for Datsun. A later and much more satisfactory sponsorship was obtained from Naughty Don Rogers - whereas the previous sponsorship had been the supply of avehicle on an "ad hoc" basis the latter deal was for a fully prepared vehicle ona full time basis during the season. The introduction of the Surf radio network at this time was a boom also in the communications sphere and enabled better coverage of the patrolled area. The third technological innovation was the Inshore Rescue Boat or "Rubber Ducky" as it is generally known. This has enabled the full coverage of the water area and complements the land coverage provided by the four wheel drive vehicle. These three advances enable the club, which now has one of the smallest active memberships, to safely patrol a beach area with one of the largest populations. Moving with the times however caused serious storage problems for the club. To house the increasing amount of equipment necessary to function efficiently the boatshed built in the sixties was hopelessly inadequate. Various proposals were considered and discussed with the council. One of the proposals considered was partitioning the existing male public changerooms to provide male and female facilities and roof the female changerooms and convert it into a boatshed. Another was extending the existing boatshed north and west. The need for improved changing facilities as well as additional storage space then left the only viable option - the creation of a separate boatshed and changerooms. After going through the site crises again - in front of the carpark, to the north of it etc. - approval was finally given to build on in front of the existing changerooms. Funding for stage one of this project was $20,000 from the City of Nedlands, $13,000 from the State Government via the Community Recreation Council grant, with the balance of the total cost of $48,000 being met by the club. This project was in two stages - the construction of the outer shell as stage one completed in 1979. Stage one absorbed all the club's ready capital and to date sufficient funds have not been obtained to proceed with stage two. During the construction of the new boatshed the western wall of the BBQ area was demolished and unhappily this has not been replaced, due to insufficient funds. 1979 also saw the Club win its third Australian title. At the Australian Championships held at Triggs Island the Reserve Boat crew got a break at the start in the final and held on to win. This was one of only two titles won by W.A. competitors at these championships - the other being won by Scarborough in the double ski. The fourth Australian title for the club was the Juvenile or Junior Division Australia Championships held at Glenelg in South Australia in 1980. James Stewart of Swanbourne won the only gold for W.A. in the under 12 board race. That then is the development and history of the club. What then of the competitors, administrators, patrol members, the characters and supporters who have given the club service in the past fifty years? We shall look at some of these in the ensuing pages. Page 21

THE BOATS Although the March Past and the Rescue and Resuscitation events with the traditional reel line and belt probably epitomise the public image of surf lifesaving, for sheer spectacle and spectator enjoyment, especially in big seas, the surf boat is without equal. Originally designed for rescue work the boats have gradually been refined into superb competitive craft. While still theoretically a rescue craft that role has been taken over by powered jet rescue boats or inshore rescue boats (rubber duckies). The surf boat also represents for clubs the largest single outlay of funds in one piece of equipment (except for a four wheel drive patrol vehicle) and it is therefore fitting that we should include in our history some account of the boats that have proudly carried the Swanbourne or Swanbourne-Nedlands name. The club's first surf craft, from 1932 to 1936, was a raft made from steel drums and timber. This unwieldy contraption, propelled by means of two home made oars and skippered mostly by Joe Gallon, was the club's only means of setting swimming bouys during these years. It was totally unsuited to the beach conditions, and in the dumping waves so prevalent at Swanbourne, getting off the beach was a risky business. No doubt events such as described here in the "West Australian" (16.11.1934) occurred fairly frequently:- "Caught by a big dumper, a raft used by the Swanbourne Club for placing bouys in position for water events was flung heavily with its crew on a shallow part of the beach and was smashed into pieces. The three men on the raft managed to get clear with only minor abrasions, but a more serious accident could easily have resulted." The raft was replaced in 1936 by a wooden dinghy, the "Minora" which was approximately 5 metres long. This craft was only a temporary addition necessitated by the raft's deteriorating condition. An offer in April 1936 of the aging "Frank Boan" by the Cottesloe Club was declined because of the amount of work required on the boat and the club's poor financial position. Over the winter months of 1936 sufficient funds were raised by card (euchre) evenings in Allen Park Hall, by a river trip on the "Zephyr" and other fund-raising activities, to purchase a new surf boat. This boat was a carvel built, planked double ended surf boat built by Towns of Newcastle, N.S.W. for £112. It was shipped to W.A. as deck cargo on the SS "Koomilya" at a reduced freight rate and wharfage and other charges were waived. The "Swanbourne" was christened and launched on January 10, 1937 in a joint ceremony with the laying of the foundation stone for the clubrooms. It gave the club good service till the mid fifties when it was given to the Trigg Island SLSC who later sold it to the 1st Pelican Point Sea Scouts Group. With the arrival of this boat came Frank Farrant and Gus Graham from North Cottlesloe. Both gave the club valuable guidance. Indeed Frank Farrant became the club's first surf boat captain. In 1954, after 17 years service the "Swanbourne" was showing her age and a replacement boat was purchased from Phillips in Bairnain, N.S.W. for a cost of £450. This was shipped to W.A. as deck cargo on the SS "Itaura" under similar conditions to the previous boat. This, the club's second boat, was called the "Reg Trigg" in recognition of Reg's many fine years of dedicated service to the club and was one of the last double ended surf boats on the coast. It was christened by Mrs Doreen Trigg and launched in 1954. It was finally sold to the Boy Scouts for £50 in 1962. The club's first surf boat title was won by the juniors in 1957 in this boat. The first tuck stern moulded ply surfboat was purchased by the club in 1959. Built by the Geraldton Building Company at a cost of £470 this boat was named the "Cygnet". Christened by Mrs Charles Court, wife of the then Patron, and launched on November 15 it served the club until the late sixties when it was disposed of to a local kindergarten. Page 22 It did not have a very illustrious competitive career and gained somewhat of a reputation as a boat that would not run. However the fault probably lay with crews, who were often inexperienced. "Cygnet II" was the first of four boats built for the club by Bill Ninham. It was launched in February 1963 after being christened by Mrs Court. More successful than its predecessor this boat carried junior crews to victory in 1965 in both the Australian and State Championships and our first State "A" crew title in 1968. It was eventually disposed of in the same manner as its predecessor. In 1968, "Cygnet III" was also purchased from Bill Ninham and launched on September 26 after being christened by Mrs Trigg. A State title was won by the juniors in 1970 rowing this boat. Still with the club this boat is currently little used, for though still sound in hull the internal fittings have suffered the ravages of time. "Cygnet IV' was launched on February 4, 1973 after being christened by Mrs Foley, the wife of the then President. This Ninham boat had less "banana" that the previous boats, one of Bill's experiments. It was a fairly good experiment and though having certain disadvantages was still good enough to carry crews to State A crew titles in 1973 and 1978. Still in very good condition this boat is still preferred by many for competition over her newer sister. In an effort to improve on some of the slight deficiencies of the previous boat the A crew of the time together with Bill Ninham the builder got together and redesigned the boat. The first boat off this modified mould was Cygnet V, launched in 1978. The result was not quite what had been desired and the A crew had difficulty adjusting to the new boat. It was therefore relegated to the Reserve crew who showed that there was nothing really wrong with it by winning an Australian Reserve Boat Championship in 1979. Since that time the use of the boat has been minimal so that it is still in excellent condition. At the risk of offending the traditional'boaties' mention should be made here of the other two surf rescue boats owned by the club. These are the Inshore Rescue Boats - inflatable pontoon boats powered by outboard motors. While lacking the charismatic appeal of the traditional surfboat these craft have taken over all the surf patrol and duty work for club svvimming events and patrols thus releasing more members for competitive or patrol duties. Usually cursed by all for the pleasant taste they impart to the water (!) they are classed as what one might call a necessary evil - without them we would not be able to function as efficiently. The first IRB was made by Beaufort and was donated to the club via the W.A. State Centre in 1975/76. This hull was a prototype and was replaced by Beaufort 2 years later due to faults. This then served the club well until the deteriorating condition of the hull of this boat lead to the club purchasing in time for the commencement of the 1982/83 season a replacement boat. This is an Avon bull and was purchased on a $ for $ grant for $3,500. Both boats have been powered by 25 HP Johnson Outboard motors. The original motor with the 1977 boat was replaced in 1980. The replacement motor is still in use, and will be used in the new hull. Page 23

COMPETITORS AND CHARACTERS Any club is a collection of individuals. Over the first fifty years there have been many fine competitors, stalwart clubmen, characters and occasional rebels. To mention all who have fallen into one or more of these categories would take far more space than is available here. However, brief comments on some of the more notable personalities is certainly necessary. The prominence of competitors seems to have followed trends since 1932. Usually one champion or team has sparked the competitive desires of others, so that an era commences. The first of these was in the beach events. Beach sprinting was a club speciality for more than thirty years, Ron Claybrook being the first state titleholder in 1934. Later in that decade Roy Kemp, Ossie Gallon and Bob Atkinson established fine records, with Kemp being a placegetter at the Inter-Dominion Carnival in Sydney in 1938. Before and after World War II Les Stafford was another who carried on this tradition as well as being a good beach hurdler. Ray Lawler, John Smith-Gander and John Manuel between them, from 1946 until 1953, won four of the eight State junior titles. However none went on to equal their successes in the seniors. During the fifties and sixties performances were spasmodic, although Norm Sladden, a very fine spdnter, won the junior title in 1958. Perhaps the most significant point about these post-war years was the lack of achievements by the seniors. This may well have been due to the fact that the leading juniors enjoyed successes because of their natural ability. That was insufficient in the senior ranks, but very few were prepared to put in long hours of training in order to challenge the Bessens, Mattingleys and others who dominated the sprints. It wasn't until towards the end of the 1960s that Swanbourne's beach sprinters again did well in the seniors, lan Griffin leading the way. "Griff" was the junior champion in 1969 and 1970. Close to him in ability although never a state title holder was Neil "Boof" McPhail, and both he and Griffin were consistent place getters in the senior sprint at inter-club carnivals. In the beach relay, their abilities were well complemented by Terry Foley's speed and tenacity, and the long experience of Don "Chippy" Greenhill who was the grandfather, so to speak, of the quartet. Together they were a formidable team, although a relay title always eluded them. Griffin finally left the club in the competitive slump beginning in 1973-74, winning two senior titles in successive years (1974, 75) while a member of North Cottesloe. He later transferred to City of Perth, but always remained at heart a staunch Swanbourne man. "Chippy" Greenhill deserves more than a passing reference in the context of beach sprinting, for he was both competitor and character. In fact from the late 1950s until he finally left the club in 1973-74 he was Swanbourne's most consistent sprinter and relay team member. On occasions he could muster enough speed to press the very best - Girdlestone, Landwehr and Brad Trotter - but usually, as he would be the first to admit, he was in the placegetters. However, "Chippy" had other characteristics as well. One was his unique swimming action which featured a pair of lead legs that always dragged beneath him, refusing to float. Thus his speed in the water approximated that of a jellyfish. Nevertheless with a generous handicap in trophy races he was always likely to win because he was prepared to struggle harder than most! Another aspect of surf in which "Chippy" enjoyed great success was R & R coaching. Between 1967 and 1970 Swanbourne's senior R & R teams were non-existent, but then Chippy took a hand. His coaching debut came in 1970-71 when he trained a none too dedicated team for the Australian titles at City Beach. That was hardly successful, but a nucleus of the team including Bob Milne, Geoff Miller, Peter Goffand Terry Foley decided in the aftermath of that failure to take an unprecedented step - they would train throughout the winter. Page 24 Two men short, they chose firstly to ask Len Bath to join them, knowing what a dedicated competitor he was. Chippy's next step was to request Len to write to Edwin Jaggard in the U.SA., asking him whether he would be prepared to give up surfboats and have another crack at R&R when he returned to Perth. He happily agreed. From that point for two seasons "Chippy" nagged, abused, pleaded with and even sulked over the 6 man team, which won a silver medal in 1972 and the R & R Premiership in 1973. Much of the success was due to Chippy. Sensing how serious he was the team members buckled down to the job of outdrilling the best teams in the state - for they had little hope of out swimming them. Chippy demanded that the team train for a minimum of four days per week, and to improve their efforts he asked former Cottesloe champion Don Morrison to assist him. Between them they produced a superb combination, Chippy emphasising the need for hard, dedicated training, Don providing much of the finesse and psychological boost. It was a winning partnership, giving Chippy some of his proudest moments at Swanbourne. And, in the process he gave back a great deal to the Swanbourne-Nedlands Club. Generally competitive swimming was not a club strong point in the club's foundation years. Keith Claybrook and Harold Newby were certainly solid performers, as were Maurice Goff, Ray Hogan and Tom Washer at the end of the 1930s. The change appears to have developed in World War II, for it was during that period that Swanbourne began to produce a succession of prominent beltmen. The catalyst may have been the arrival from Leighton of Tom Woodall. Although never a state champion, Tom was a formidable competitor and during the years he appears to have directed much of the club's talent into swimming. Whereas many other clubs struggled in this period, Swanbourne's fortunes improved dramatically, so that in 1946 the club won its first premiership R&R title, Tom Woodall being coach. Apart from Keith Claybrook the team members were very much the product of the war years and they placed Swanbourne at the top of interclub competition for two seasons. Tom Woodall also played a part in the meteoric rise of Bernie Kelly, W.A.'s first Australian senior belt champion. Bernie was a member of the two champion R & R teams (1946 to 1947), but 1947 was HIS golden year. As a beltrnan he was very consistent. Successes in interclub carnivals were the prelude to an outstanding victory in the state championships held at Cottlesloe. There he defeated the brilliant junior Lockie Cottman, Rod Baker and Ray, "Soccer" Matheson who was representing a visiting N.S.W. team. After that exciting victory Bernie Kelly then buckled down to train for the Australian titles in Oueensland. There he stunned the best in the Eastern States by winning easily, the conclusion to a brilliant season. It would be fair to say that Bernie never again came near these achievements, but it should not be forgotten that this graceful and powerful swimmer from Swanbourne-Nedlands was the first, along with Lockie Cottman, to show the competition "giants" in N.S.W. and Oueensland that their days of dominance were under serious threat. Apart from Bernie Kelly, his brother John, the Wales brothers, Pat Walsh and the diminutive Fred Thorne, the club also began to benefit from a fine crop of junior swimmers. This development may have been aided by the fact that Swanbourne-Nedlands developed a very fruitful partnership with the Nedlands Swimming Club. Surf club members travelled to the weekly competitions in the Nedlands Baths, by buses hired from the United Bus Co. in Claremont. Besides giving the club swimmers increased competition, as well as introducing them to another sport - water polo - several promising swimmers were recruited. Among the best known were the Atherden brothers, Gerry, Austen and Peter. In fact it was Peter who won the junior belt race championship in 1951, the first Swanbourne member to achieve such a feat. At the same time Jim Seabrook, Colin Cook and one or two others were coming to the fore so it seemed that the club would have strength in swimming for most of the 1950s. Unfortunately that was not the case, for these were the "Morrison years" when there was tremendous depth in both belt and surf races. Page 25 Cottesloe and North Cottesloe completely dominated the scene, and their swimming strength overflowed into the R&R event so that other clubs had to be content with making up the numbers. Apart from Colin Cook and the highly talented John Wegner who pressed Cottlesloe's Tony Hawson hard when the two were juniors, Swanbourne's post-war swimming strength faded away until the late 1950s, when a further resurgence occurred. Leading it was Peter Goldthorpe, whose older brother, John was at one time a member. Peter Goldthorpe or "Choppers", as he was later known, had come up through the club from the juveniles. Among his contemporaries were Bob Gray, Baxter Hook, Rod Hutton, Gary Fletcher and a number of others who gave the club its greatest junior strength for many years. Peter Goldthorpe was swimming coach Jack Hughes' star pupil; before long several other Swanbourne juniors were training with him too, so the club's fortunes began to revive. While a member of Swanbourne, (for he eventually transferred to Cottesloe) Peter Goldthorpe was far and away the club's outstanding swimmer. He had an almost effortless slow stroke and could perform well in either calm or very rough conditions. As a cadet and junior he had an excellent record, climaxed by the junior belt race championship in 1959. However Peter's problem, and it was one which Bob Milne also had to face, was lack of competition within the club. Colin Cook was now living in the country and making infrequent appearances, while Baxter Hook and Edwin Jaggard were never consistent enough to really push him, although the latter beat Peter for the club belt race title in 1959, the year that he won the state championship. Eventually in the 1961-62 season Peter Goldthorpe transferred to Cottesloe where he was to build up an outstanding competitive record as well as serving as captain for many years. He is now a life member of that club. As far as swimming was concerned the club now entered another brief decline, before the results of a determined recruiting campaign brought good results. This time Reg Trigg initiated a drive in local schools, particularly Hollywood Senior High School, and the outcome was spectacular. Among those who joined were Robert Milne, Geoff Miller, Doug Thompson, John Lingard, Russell Oldham, John Foley, lan Huggett and Dean Pye, most of whom were to remain hard-working members until the early 1970s or even longer. But undoubtedly the pick of the bunch as a swimmer was "Inky" Milne, who won six state belt titles. That record along with his Champion Lifesaver successes, makes him the most successful competitor in Swanbourne's history - so he deserves more than a line or two. Tremendous guts and determination were always Inky's hallmarks. Certainly he was no stylist in the water, for his powerful straight arm stroke meant that he crashed his way through the waves. Even as a cadet he was conspicuous by his large chest, squat neck, thrashing power through the water and great will-to-win. The result was a swag of state titles by the time he was 18 (twice junior belt champion, in 1963 and 1964), but when he became a senior the competition was immeasurably tougher. This was his testing time, for he was in a class of his own at Swanbourne and really had to swim against himself. Typically, he never even considered anything less than 110% effort and the successes came to him. Competing against John Ryan, David Dickson, Peter Goldthorpe, Simon Martin and Ian Vilkson he realised that, although many had greater natural speed, few of them could carry that over into their belt swimming. As far as Inky was concerned that always gave him a chance. Furthermore, the rougher it was the better his prospects became, particularly in the chop whipped up by the sea breeze. His theory was to get away quickly from the beach, and then to swim flat out, hoping he would not blow up before he reached the buoys. More often than not he succeeded, becoming the most consistent senior beltman since the great Don Morrison. From 1965 until 1972 he won four senior titles, a fine achievement. His only apparent weakness was a notable tendency to swim off course, but when it is remembered that even with his neck fully extended he was battling to get more than six inches above the surface, his problem was understandable! Besides setting an outstanding competitive example Inky was always one of the hardest working club members. Page 26

Ray Lawler. Junior Beach Sprint Champion 1946.

Tug of war in front of clubrooms, late 40's. Page 27

March Past Team - Australian Jubilee Surf Championships, Scarborough 1951. Back: R. Trigg, D. Ogler, W. Wales, S. Rowe, B. Vince, C. Catto. Front: B. Kelly, L. Hopewell, F. Thome, J. Martin, C. Weir, J. Seabrook. Page 28

Junior Surf Champions R & R 1952. Back: C. Catto, L. Merifield, J. Manuel, P. Atherden, B. Weir. Front: P. Hopewell, A. Martin (coach), P. Nicholson. Page 29 As Captain or Chief Instructor he was never lost for a hoarsely shouted word or three, doing a great job in inspiring juniors and cadets. Besides all of this he was a very good R & R man. When the Chippy Greenhill coached teams of the early 1970s were successful Inky was a key member. Although Don Morrison believed his stance at "attention" was "unusual" Inky drilled well, swam his heart out,and continually exhorted his team mates to perform above themselves. In fact he injected his tremendous personal determination into the team time and timea gain. It was a sad day when he decided to move north to Triggs Island, for he left his mark at Swanbourne and no one since has looked like replacing him. The Swanbourne club bought its first surf boat in 1937. "Swanbourne" as it was named was a typically heavy planked double-ender, built to last, rather than for speed. Early crews had some interclub successes under Frank Farrant and others, yet there seems to have been a lack of expertise and boat tradition in the club. So wins were hard to come by. At various times "Tiger" Rowley and Tom Colvin handled the boat superbly, but the fact remains that until 1950 Scarborough, City of Perth and North Cottesloe completely dominated boat racing in W.A. Swanbourne's fortunes began to change in 1954. Then a new far lighter double-ender was bought, the "Reg Trigg". The club was determined to become far more competitive so Bruce Mackenzie of North Cottesloe, a very experienced and hard-driving sweep, was persuaded to give some guidance. Crews were carefully coached in all aspects of technique; boat and oar maintenance improved out of sight; rowers began real fitness programmes instead of merely falling onto a seat. Mackenzie spent hours teaching sweep Dick Walker and his crews all kinds of surfing know-how, beginning a tradition which has continued through to the fiftieth year. Swanbourne's winning of its first boat race championship finally came in 1957 when Clarrie Bowyer (sweep), Peter Butterworth, Brian Cooper, Graham Gillett and Fred Strauss had a slashing win. That was the climax to the Mackenzie phase. Unhappily for the club this success did not carry over into the seniors. Rowers and sweeps left the club for various reasons and although John Wood as boat captain and Clarrie Bowyer tried very hard to build on the solid foundations, little was achieved. Gradually the "Reg Trigg" deteriorated, while Cygnet I purchased from the Geraldton Building Company in 1959 was a disappointment to its early crews. Then in 1961 a new phase began, this time with Edwin Jaggard as sweep. A number of former junior rowers, Len Bath, Ian Barry and Gary Fletcher among them, were becoming disenchanted with the boats, simply because no-one was prepared to train crews. After a winter spent cracking waves every weekend in the aging "Reg Trigg", Jaggard took over as boat captain and began training an "A" and several other crews. It was this A crew of John Staples, Brian Weir, Len Bath and Gary Fletcher which trained 3 mornings a week at 4.30, 2 evenings and twice on weekends! The result was that "also rans" were transformed into a tough crew who consistently achieved places in A crew races, although never winning a title. This phase ended with Jaggard's departure for the country, but John Stringfellow was more than ready to take over from Len Bath and begin yet another era. Stringy's achievements have been summarised in the life membership section of this book. However his fine record demands some elaboration for it was he who swept the Swanbourne-Nedlands juniors to W.A.'s first Australian boat title in 1965. He began as a rower in 1963, being one of the crew which launched Cygnet II, the club's best boat. He too came under the Bruce Mackenzie influence for he worked with him, however the win was really due to the skill of the whole crew. Bill Herdsman was stroke, and behind him were "George" Jolly, Terry Colby and Trevor Bidwell. Their characteristic was a very long stroke, something which made them well suited to the calm seas of the Australian championships. Also, they were fast off the beach, turned quickly and had plenty of stamina. Those qualities plus the "run" which a good crew could always produce in Cygnet II meant that they were in with a chance. Page 30 How they beat the best in Australia is a story which only Stringy can tell. Even so no-one can overlook his personal drive or his pride in this club, which he instilled into the crew. A brilliant, unexpected victory was the result - and a watershed in W.A. surfboat rowing. For Swanbourne-Nedlands under Stringy proved what some had begun to doubt, that W.A. crews could outrow the best in the Eastern States. From 1965 until 1973 Swanbourne's rowers continued to perform at a high level. Stringy spent a period in the Army, however when he returned to the club in 1969 he picked up where he left off, producing an outstanding junior crew again in 1970. After winning a state title in that year Peter Wales, Geoff Annear, lan Hodgkinson and Ross Bosworth stayed together until they had a memorable win in the senior event at Triggs in 1973. Throughout, Stringy was the motivating force, keeping Swanbourne to the fore, never being satisfied with second best. When this crew finally disintergrated he found another, bringing together Peter Wales, Terry Foley, Russell Brimage and Gary Williamson as a highly successful crew who were State titleholders in 1978. They built up a fine inter club record, which they tried hard to climax with a win at the Triggs Australian titles in 1979. Unhappily for them it wasn't to be, the crew broke up and the most successful boat era in the club's history was over. Yet these years were not totally dominated by Stringy, there being two other outstanding events. Denmark 1968, when Swanbourne's first Senior Boat race title was won, and another Australian title in the Reserve Crew, shouldn't pass unmentioned. The Denmark win was a real epic, for the crew had a very mediocre record. Nevertheless they had proved at a very rough Scarborough carnival beforehand that they would be real contenders in big seas. At Denmark the sweep Edwin Jaggard was delighted to find they were mountainous! The Swanbourne crew lived up to their outsider status in their morning heat, rowing badly until they reached the break heading back. There all hell had been let loose - oars, overturned boats, and rowers floating around in the big waves which Swanbourne handled comfortably. In the repecharge they scored a magnificent win, riding a large wave for almost 300 metres and winning by the proverbial street. By the time of the final everyone was confident. Mountainous swells, a bad chop, cold winds and the sun setting behind the dunes were hardly ideal conditions but they suited Swanbourne's crew who led through the break and thereafter were never headed. Edwin Jaggard, Greg Sladden, Terry and John Foley and Mal ]ones were exultant when still in front when re-entering the break, and even though Cygnet II was half full they controlled it over the bank then rowed desperately for the line. It was a stunning victory. The Australian title won by the Reserve or B crew had few of these epic qualities, yet it proved what experience and determination could do. Three of the rowers, Ross Bosworth, Peter Wales and lan Hodgkinson had been in the 1970 Junior and 1973 Senior champion crew. They persuaded George Jolly to sweep them, added Gary Olsen in his first competitive season as a rower, then relied on their superb timing plus speed off the beach to conquer their opposition. That they did, time and time again through the season so that it became obvious that with a little luck they would have a real chance in the National Titles. A favourable draw and a good start in the final gave them a lift, the result being another remarkable victory by one of W.A.'s smaller clubs. Since 1979 the boats have suffered from the general competitive lethargy which seems to have infected the club. Still, there were promising signs of a junior revival in 1981-82. It is to be hoped that they will carry on many of the earlier traditions. Acknowledgements must be made of those who coached teams over the years - men like Tom Woodall who did so much to produce the competitive revival immediately after World War II, and George Williamson who guided many junior and senior R & R teams in the 1950s. Keith Claybrook, for example, returned late in the 1950s and always immaculately dressed, coached a fine cadet R & R team to a State title (1958). Page 31 George Curtis, one of the club's real personalities, was always ready to help with the March Past, while Keith Jones from around 1960 onwards did much to help the juniors. He too was responsible for several excellent R & R teams. When Inky Milne and his mates began their careers Laurie Healy guided them. Colourful, and always in trouble, he was frequently suspended for assorted misdemeanours ranging from painting the backside of the Caretaker's cat with turps to publicly abusing club officials, their wives and girlfriends. Despite this he spent a number of seasons producing disciplined R & R teams, as well as encouraging everyone to be more fully involved in all the club's activities. There are many other stalwarts who could be included. The late Lyn "Zoobo" Shelton, is remembered by many as a "crazy man" whose exploits at Geraldton in 1959 will long be remembered. Nevertheless he found time to help many bronze teams. Ron, "Arch" Vivian was a quiet but forceful personality within the club from the later 1950s to the mid 1960s. He too worked hard encouraging juniors. A good swimmer, many of us can also recall the way he toiled like a slave during the running of the 1961 State Championships. Acknowledged by everyone to be highly successful, the carnival owed much to Arch, just as the club as a whole did for several years. Graham Gillett, Robin Vaisey, Kevin Kemp and Kevin Richards were the pioneer ski competitors of the period, enjoying most success in the double ski event. Among the all too often unsung administrators are several who did much to make the club's first fifty years so successful. A.I. "Bluey" Marks as well as being club treasurer from 1940-46 was State Centre treasurer until 1952 and then deputy president to 1957. Ralph Dover combined club interests with those of the Association over many years, as well as leading several club march past teams. For three years, as president, Tom Hook added some much needed age and wisdom to club affairs, while in the 1960s Jack Whelan proved himself an extremely able secretary whose deafness never left him at a disadvantage in committee room debates. And last, but far from least, there was the longstanding support of our patrons, notable among being Sir Charles Court and J. "Chas" Smith. Chas zealously attended many club functions, keeping everyone on their toes with his wit and repartee. At State Championships he bellowed support for his Swanbourne- Nedlands boys, and success always saw him dipping his hand into his generous pocket. We remember him with real admiration for his enthusiastic backing over more than half of our history. Finally, there were ordinary members, those who never held office, sometimes competed in carnivals, rarely if ever took home a stack of trophies, but always did their patrols. Many were the social and life-saving nucleus of the club - without them Swanbourne- Nedlands would not exist today. Until they married and moved from the district they spent most of their summers on the beach, upholding the motto of "Vigilance and Service", besides enjoying several other activities. Mick Miller was one of these. For almost fifteen years he uncomplainingly did far more patrols than any five members, without reward and too often even without thanks. Every Sunday he swam and ran in the points races and most social occasions saw Mick enjoying himself. There have been many like him, although few came near Mick's extraordinary service to the club. Besides the competitors and characters it was these men who ensured that the club remained in existence to celebrate fifty years of achievement. Page 32


A necessary adjunct to the activities of the surf club has been the participation by our ladies. Apart from the general support and help of wives, girlfriends or family the functions of women in the club have been significant. There have been two major areas where this support has been significant - the Ladies Competitive Club and the Surf Auxilary. The first Swanbourne ladies club was formed in late 1932 with Miss B. Poole as Secretary. This existed for a number of years, finally becoming defunct in the late thirties. Revived in 1943 the Ladies' Competitive Club became very active and keen competition was held with the other ladies' clubs. The fifties and sixties saw the ladies' club at its peak and numerous ladies championships were won. Indeed quite a few of the ladies' State Championships camivals were held at Swanbourne beach. From this peak, interest and membership gradually declined until in 1973 it went into what will be probably its final recession. The ladies' clubs were entirely separate from their male counterparts. While being affiliated with their namesake parent club they functioned under separate constitutions, office bearers and conducted their own competitions. They provided assistance to the male clubs and our own ladies were rostered for Ambulance room duty - most of them took the St. Johns Ambulance course - and also general cleaning and other duties assisting patrols. The Swanbourne Surf Auxiliary was first formed in October 1936 with Mrs Bower, Mrs Allen and Mrs Power as President Treasurer and Secretary respectively. The Auxiliary was formed to assist in the fundraising for the purchase of a new surf boat and the construction of new changerooms and clubrooms for the club. This continued for a number of years before going into recess. Reconstituted in 1956/57 the Auxiliary became a strong force within the club and was of great help with fundraising activities and provided many facilities and equipment for the club. Interest and support gradually dwindled in the early seventies until in 1973 along with the ladies club it went into recess. Since that time the financial and social affairs of the club have been significantly reduced. Both the ladies club and the Auxiliary recei,ved help from male club members in their activities for training purposes or administrative assistance. Page 33

Junior Surf Boat Champions, 1957. G. Gillett, B. Cooper, F. Strauss, P. Butterworth, Bruce McKenzie (coach), c. Bowyer.

Ladies march past team at Swanboume Carnival, March 1958. Page 34

March past team, Late 1950's. Page 35

G. Gillett, R. Valsey on double ski, 1958.

Launching of Cygnet I, 15th November, 1959. J. Wood, Boat Captain. Page 36

P. Ad1erden, State Junior Surf Belt Race Champion, Runner-up, Australian Junior belt race 1951. Team: G. Atherden, D. Ogler, S. Rowe, R. Trigg.

The "Reg Trigg" returning to shore after launching, 1954. Page 37

Swanbourne's Hrst Grand Parade win, January 1945. Ralph Dover standard bearer, Bernie Kelly in belt. Page 38

THE LIFE MEMBERS The highest honour the club can award to any person for outstanding service or in the performance of his or her duties, is life membership. This honour is not granted lightly; proof of this is that in fifty years only twelve persons have been awarded this honour. Those awarded life membership of the Swanbourne-Nedlands Surf Lifesaving Club are:- 1936/37 season - J. ALLEN Snr (deceased) 1940/41 - R. COOK (deceased) 1943/44 - T. WOODALL 1945/46 - W. KEMP (deceased) 1950/51 - R.J. TRIGG 1953/54 - F.J. THORNE 1968/69 - C.D. COOK 1968/69 - G.W. WALLIAMSON 1971/72 - E.D. GRIFFIN 1975/76 - E.H. FOLEY 1976/77 - E.K.G. JAGGARD 1979/80 - J. STRINGFELLOW In appreciation and in recognition of their service to the club, brief summaries of the career of each life member have been included:

JACK ALLEN SNR.1937 Jack Allen retired as a Sergeant in the British Army in India in 1914, then came to Western Australia. He worked at Fairbridge Farm for a short time before enlisting in the A.I.F. at the outbreak of the 1914-1918 war. Jack was wounded at Gallipoli. After the war he established himself with his wife at 1 Reeve Street, Swanbourne, which was to be the family home for 48 years. In the early 1920's he became vitally interested in local government, through his keen desire to establish reserves from Kirkwood Street through to the beach of Swanbourne. His service started in the Claremont Road District through the Claremont Road Board which in turn became the Nedlands Poad Board, where he served as President for several terms. In 1930 he strongly advocated the formation of a swimming club at Swanbourne Beach where he gave gifts of pennies, etc., as prizes for winners. From that early beginning he became a keen advocate for a Surf Club to be formed, and was the catalyst in the formation of the club in 1932, although he did not actually take office until 1934. Between 1934 and 1948 Jack Allen served as President for 4 years and Deputy President for 5 years as well as having many additional district interests. Through his local government service he assisted in the development of the Swanbourne area, with the surf club forming an integral part of the life-style. In recognition of his fine service before and after the club was actually founded, Jack Allen Snr., was elected as the first life member of the club in the 1936-37 season. Page 39

BOB COOK1941 Bob Cook ran away to sea at an early age and spent sometime in New Zealand during the depression years. He married in New Zealand and returned to Western Australia in the 1930's. Because of respiratory problems Bob was an invalid for a number of years; during this time in particular, Bob did a tremendous amount of promotional work for the club. While only holding senior office of Deputy President and Vice President for two years, he was for many seasons the social organiser, promoting the juvenile and cadet sections of the club in particular. He wi11 be long be remembered as the 'raffle king' and 'pie night' organiser, who did yeoman service until 1950. Bob Cook played a major part in the recruitment and entertainment of the youth of the district during the early days of the club, thereby ensuring a succession of young people coming forward in service. Bob continued to play a promotional role in the 1950's and was a willing worker in fundraising functions and on street appeal collections.

TOM WOODALL1944 Tom Woodall came to the Swanbourne district from Fremantle with his wife and son in 1938, and became associated with the club soon afterwards. Prior to this he had served the Leighton Surf Club with distinction in both the competitive and administrative areas. Tom was a great swimming competitor and leader of men and was the answer to the club's needs at that time. During the Second World War Tom was manpowered in his profession and was able to devote some time to young men suddenly placed in a position of carrying on the club when their older brethren joined the armed forces. There was plenty of hidden sporting talent among the juniors, but there was a great need for proper training and the instilling of confidence to win. These things Tom Woodall did with great success, earning the everlasting respect of his club mates. He was a cheerful customer, yet firm when firmness was needed, and the moulding of the character of many members has stood them in good stead to this day. From 1938 through to 1947, Tom was Chief Instructor for two years and Club Captain for seven years. In that period he made an enormous contribution, through his great ability and enthusiasm, when the club won the State Rescue and Resuscitation Championships of 1945-1946 and 1946-47. It would be fair to also say that Tom undoubtedly inspired the great Bernie Kelly in his swimming performances in club and State Championships, the culmination being Bernie's Australian Senior Belt Race Championship success of 1946-47. Page 40

WALTER K. KEMP1946 Wally Kemp transferred in the W.A. Government Railways from Kalgoorlie to Perth in 1926 and took up residence in Watt Street Swanbourne. While they were great adversaries both Jack Allen and Wally Kemp took a great interest in the local district through the Progress Association and local authority during very difficult years of economic depression. The antagonism each felt towards the other was everlasting, but the result was keenly fought elections and campaigns in all activities, with the Swanbourne district and beach gaining the benefits in the long term. Wally Kemp served a term as President of the Nedlands Road Board and during his many years in local government was a great advocate for the district, for the beach, and the Surf Club in particular. He was a foundation member of the club and between 1932 and 1954-1955, Wally Kemp served two years as Vice President, five years as Deputy President and twelve years as President of the club. He was a gentleman but one who firmly stood his ground on matters of principle and who was tireless in his endeavours in the club's interests.

REG TRIGG1951 Reg Trigg joined the club as a juvenile and first became Secretary of the club at 16 years of age in 1942. Apart from several years in the Royal Australian Navy, his club service has been - President six years; Deputy President, three years; Secretary/Registrar, eight years; Treasurer, one year; and apart from naval service was club delegate to the W.A. State Centre for 15 years until 1957. Although he was a fully qualified practical lifesaver, Reg elected to stay with the administrative side of the club and State Centre activity, whilst his 'running mate', Fred Thorne, fostered the practical activity of the club and joined the Board of Examiners. During his club service, Reg saw Swanbourne-Nedlands through a number of membership, competitive and building cycles culminating in the building of the first stage of the present club premises in 1960. A surf boat named after him was launched in 1954. He is currently a Trustee of the club. Reg Trigg became Assistant Secretary of the W.A. State Centre for five years from 1957 to 1961 inclusive, Deputy President for four years to 1964, President of the State Centre for four years to 1968 and stayed in office as Immediate Past President until 1972. He presently chairs the Building Development Committee of the State Centre and is Secretary of the W.A. Surf Life Savers 25 Year Club. Reg was elected a Life Member of the W.A. State Centre in 1972. In the Australian Surf Association's 75th Anniversary year - 1982 - he was awarded an Anniversary Medallion and a Citation of Merit from World Life Saving. Page 41

FRED THORNE1954 Fred Thorne joined the club in 1940 and, while comparatively small in stature, was always a very strong swimming competitor from the outset with ability and tenacity which at times embarrassed older and bigger competitors. He passed the qualifying certificate in 1943, bronze in 1944 and instructor's certificate in 1945. His club service included President, two years; Deputy President, four years; Vice President, two years; Captain, three years; Vice Captain/Patrol Officer, one year and Chief Instructor three years. In addition Fred was a driving force in all of the competitive, promotional and social activities of the club for many years. He was a member of the successful club State Championship R & R teams of 1945-1946 and 1946-47, and a leading water event competitor from 1943 to 1955. The alliance with Reg Trigg in the furtherance of the club interests saw Fred Thorne join the Board of Examiners in 1951 and receive his Examiner's Certificate that year. His service in the State Centre was varied. Fred held the State Centre offices of Assistant Patrol Officer, Deputy Referee (Water Events), Manager State Team 1960, Member of State Executive 1961/62 and 1963/64 and Deputy State Superintendent and State Selector for a number of years. Currently he is the President of the W.A. Surf Life Savers' 25 Year Club.

GEORGE WILLIAMSON1969 There has never before been, and never will be, anyone quite like George Williamson. Outspoken, argumentative, dogmatic and ever ready to stir up a hornet's nest, that is George. He arrived at Swanbourne via North Cottlesioe where he became a junior member in the war years. Until 1952 he was a perennial member of their very best senior R & R teams, never being more than a reasonable swimmer, but excelling in drill. Then, for various reasons he came to Swanbourne, a surfing nomad ready to help another club with his expertise. He stayed there on and off until 1977, spending five years as Chief Instructor and six as President. As if that was not enough he was also coach and member of the Triggs Island Championship R & R team in 1955. George's main virtue was that he was always willing to "have a go", at swimming, coaching, administration or just stirring. While holding the club together in several lean years in the 1960s he happily combined all four. A tireless worker for Swanbourne-Nedlands S.L.S.C. George may yet add to his record, but in the mean time he can be justifiably proud that Gary, his son, is following in his footsteps. Page 42

COLIN COOK1969 Few members have enjoyed such a long career as Colin Cook, swimmer, beltman, one-time long distance runner, and champion lifesaver. In fact Colin swam in the belt at carnivals for over twenty years, being a tough, tenacious competitor. Unfortunately erratic eye sight hampered his swimming (girls were far easier to focus upon than buoys), but in his prime he was among the best in the state, and a member of the State Team in 1950-51. Colin also won a State Champion Lifesaver title, and every trophy that the club could offer. That said it must be admitted that he has always been a controversialist, determined to prove his many points. One was the need for the club to own a surfcat. During the season or so that Colin was at the helm some frightening sights were witnessed amid the Swanbourne dumpers. Perhaps the only manouvre which he didn't attempt in the 'cat' was a backward somersault - the forward became a speciality, accompanied by strangled cries from the crewman who invariably ended up with ten yards of rope wound tightly around his neck! Always an individualist, always an "ideas man", Colin still entertains everyone with his jokes and dramatic finishes to swims. It is fitting that in 1982 he and the club to which he has given so much, including two seasons as President (1974-76), should each be celebrating their fiftieth year.

ERIC GRIFFIN1972 Eric Griffin's role in the affairs of the Swanbourne-Nedlands S.L.S.C. was always unobtrusive, yet from the 1950s for almost twenty years he gave fine service. Never a competitor, Erie was like many other hard-working associate members in that he joined when his children entered the club. At various times four of Eric's sons were active, Ian being an outstanding beach sprinter and member of several state teams. Eric Griffin's chosen niche was that of Vice President; to that position he always brought a measure of maturity and commonsense which in turn overflowed into club management. More importantly perhaps, he was a "link man", providing the necessary continuity between the era of Reg Trigg and Fred Thorne and the days when much younger men took control. From the time when his eldest sons joined, Eric rarely missed helping with the conduct of points races on summer Sundays. Furthermore, for years he was club's carnival timekeeper, besides helping in countless other ways. In short Eric was happy to undertake the less glamorous jobs, never found himself at a loss for words at meetings, and always argued for his principles. Unspectacular in his work and intensely loyal to the club, Eric Griffin made a unique contribution in the first fifty years. Page 43

TED FOLEY1976 When Ted Foley was granted life membership in 1976 at the club's annual dinner, the one hundred people present rose spontaneously to given him a standing ovation. It was a genuine and moving tribute to a man who is respected and greatly admired by all members who know him. Like Eric Griffin Ted was never an active member; instead his involvement dates from the mid 1950s when daughter Annette and sons John and Terry joined as juveniles - all developing into fine competitors. Ted served for five years as Treasurer (1960-65) and three as President (1970-73). In addition he supported the club through thick and thin, throwing himself into fundraising and opening his home to many club functions. Forover a decade Ted was at the centre of affairs, so it was fitting that in his final season as President the club should have experienced outstanding competitive success, winning the highly coveted Senior R & R, Boat Race double. Throughout that year Ted worked hard to encourage competitors as well as maintaining club harmony - always a difficult task. Probably only he, with his tact and patience, could have succeeded. A fine speechmaker too, Ted is always sensitive to the problems confronting speakers. Long may his cry, "A Little Bit of Shshsh!" be heard at our functions, and long may he and Elsie support them.

EDWIN JAGGARD1977 As a swimmer Ed was lazy, never fulfilling his obvious potential; as a boat captain and sweep he scared hell out of his crews because of his devil-may-care attitude to rough seas ("always take the biggest wave"). As an office bearer he never shirked hard work or the taking of unpopular decisions. Ed joined Cottesloe S.L.S.C. in 1950, being among the best of an outstanding group of juvenile swimmers. He transferred to Swanbourne in 1957, continuing in belt swimming and R & R until 1962. Unluckily defeated in the Junior Belt Championship at Triggs in 1960 his performances were sufficiently good to be selected in the State Team of that year. Thereafter until 1972 surfboats became his first love, with the club's first A crew championship in huge seas at Denmark (1968) being a highlight. He also swept several Reserve and C crews to championship wins, but after returning from the U.S.A. in 1971 he and his close friend (and fellow boatman) Len Bath were persuaded to join a Senior R & R team. Trained by "Chippy" Greenhill the tearn collected a silver medal in 1972, then drilled at a superbly high level to win the gold one year later. Thus Ed and his father (who competed for North Cottesloe in the 1920s) share a unique double - both being members of Championship Boat Crews and R & R teams. After five years as Boat Captain, four years as President and in his fourth year as Vice President Ed has now turned his attention to the Surf Lifesaving Association and is currently Deputy President of the W.A. State Centre. Page 44

JOHN STRINGFELLOW1980 Early in 1963 when the club's A boat crew was one member short the stroke and sweep decided to ask a well-built muscular junior to "have a go". He did so, willingly, until his backside became so painful that he seemed in danger of standing for 24 hours a day, seven days a week until it recovered. That was John Stringfellow - "Stringy's" - introduction to surf boats; within two years he was captain and sweep of the W.A.'s first Australian champion boat crew. His rise was meteoric, and after that magnificent victory his performances remained at such consistently high level that it seems safe to suggest his record in this club will be difficult to equal. One Australian championship, two state junior and two senior titles speak for themselves. As a sweep his undoubted strengths were his dedication and his ability to extract the last ounce of effort from his crews, particularly those two fine strokes, Peter and Stephen Wales. Besides eleven years as Boat Captain "Stringy" has also filled several other offices - most notably that of Treasurer, for five years. It is hard to imagine that his career in surf boats is over for he is still under 40, an age when many sweeps are reaching their prime. There is a belief among his former crews that he may yet master the knack of bringing a surf boat in straight on a large wave! Page 45

Old clubrooms "on the brink". April 1960.

Construction of new clubrooms. April 1960. Page 46

The Governor, Sir Charles Gairdner with President, Reg Trigg, opening new dubrooms, August 1960.

Clubrooms, tower and boatshed, beach kiosk. January 1965. Page 47

State Championships at Swanbourne, 1961.

Launching of Cygnet II, February 1963. Ed Jaggard, Boat Captain. Page 48

Cadets, 1963. Back: J. Foley, W. Herdsman, R. Milne, R. Oldham, J. Lingard. Front: G. Miller, A. Porteous, L. Healy, (coach), D. Pye, I. Huggett.

Patrons Surf Carnival, Scarborough, November t 963. H.R.H. Prince Phillip speaks to Swanbourne crew. Left to Right: B. Weir, L. Bath, G. Fletcher, E. Jaggard. Page 49


AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIONSHIP WINNERS 1947 Coolangatta, Queensland Senior Surf Belt Race: B. Kelly. 1965 Scarborough, W.A. Junior Surf Boat Race: J. Stringfellow, T. Bidwell, K. Jolly, T. Colby, W. Herdsman. 1979 Trigg Island W.A. Reserve Grade Surf Boat Race: K. Jolly, P. Wales, I. Hodgkinson, R. Bosworth, G. Olsen. 1980 Glenelg S.A. (Junior Division) Under 12 year old Board Race: J. Stewart. Page 50

STATE CHAMPIONSHIP WINNERS 1933-34 Open Beach Sprint: R. Claybrook. 1934-35 Open Beach Relay: R. Claybrook, O. Gallon, R. Kemp, J. Arnold. 1935-36 Junior Beach Relay: A. Jeffries, G. Bowyer, J. Harris, R. Arnold. 1937-38 Open Beach Relay: R. Claybrook, O. Gallon, R. Kemp, H. Robson. 1938-39 Junior Beach Sprint: R. Atkinson. 1938-39 Junior Beach Relay: K. Harris, R. Atkinson, R. Kirkman, A. Young. 1945-46 Senior R & R: B. Kelly, A. Walsh, W. Dorizzi, K. Claybrook, F. Thorne, C. Buchanan. 1945-46 Junior Beach Relay: Junior Beach Sprint: R. Lawler. 1946-47 Senior R & R: B. Kelly, J. Kelly, F. Thorne, A. Wales, P. Walsh, A. Martin. 1946-47 Senior Belt Race: B. Kelly. 1946-47 Junior Beach Sprint: J. Gander. 1950-51 Junior Belt Race. P. Atherden. 1951-52 Junior R & R: C. Catto, L. Merifield, J. Manuel, P. Atherden, B.Weir, P. Hopewell, P. Nicholson. 1951-52 Junior Beach Sprint: J. Manuel. 1952-53 Junior Beach Sprint: J. Manuel. Cadet Beach Sprint: B. Rowe. 1953-54 Junior Beach Relay: J. Robson, B. Nicholson, K. Kemp, B. Rowe. 1955-56 Cadet R & R: E. Griffin, F. Griffin, B. Hook, P. Goldthorpe, R. Gray, R. Hutton. Cadet Surf Teams: Cadet Surf Race: P. Goldthorpe. 1956-57 Junior Surf Boat Race: C. Boywer, G. Gillett, B. Cooper, P. Butterworth, F. Strauss. Cadet Surf Teams: Cadet Surf Race: P. Goldthorpe. Cadet Beach Sprint: R. Kemp. 1957-58 Junior Surf Teams. P. Goldthorpe, B. Hook, R. Gray, R. Hutton. Junior Beach Sprint: N. Sladden. Cadet R & R. 1958-59 Junior Surf Belt Race: P. Goldthorpe. Cadet R & R: G. Wilma, D. Burnett, G. Gray, B. Eldon, R. Merson, G. Batt (Res). Cadet Surf Belt Race: G. Smallacombe. Cadet Beach Sprint: A. Dean. 1959-60 Junior Beach Relay: G. Smallgoods, A. Dean, G. Fletcher, B. Wedgewood. 1961-62 Senior Champion Lifesaver: C. Cook. Cadet R & R. Cadet Surf Teams. 1962-63 Junior Surf Teams: R. Milne, G. Miller, D. Thompson, J. Foley. Junior Surf Belt Race: R. Milne. 1963-64 Junior Beach Relay: T. Bidwell, G. McAuslane, D. Ivers, G. Milner. Junior Surf Belt Race: R. Milne. 1964-65 Junior Surf Boat Race. J. Stringfellow, T. Bidwell, W. Herdsman, K. Jolly, T. Colby. Senior Surf Belt Race: R. Milne. 1965-66 Cadet Beach Sprint: T. Foley. 1966-67 Cadet Board Race: R. McMaster. 1967-68 Senior Champion Lifesaver: R. Milne. Senior Surf Boat Race: E. Jaggard, T. Foley, J. Foley, G. Sladden, M. Jones. 1968-69 Senior Champion Lifesaver: R. Milne. Junior Champion Lifesaver: R. McMaster. Senior Surf Belt Race: R. Milne. Junior Beach Relay: M. Johnson, T. Foley, I. Griffin, I. Hodgkinson. Junior Beach Sprint: I. Griffin. 1969-70 Junior Beach Sprint: I. Griffin. Junior Surf Boat Crew: J. Stringfellow, P. Wales, I. Hodgkinson, J. Annear, R. Bosworth. Senior Champion Lifesaver: R. Milne. Senior Surf Belt Race: R Milne. Junior Champion Lifesaver: R. McMaster. 1971-72 Senior Surf Belt Race: R. Milne. 1972-73 Senior Champion Lifesaver: R. Milne. Senior R & R: E. Jaggard, D. Pye, W. Pettit, R. Milne, D. Thompson, G. Miller, L. Bath. Senior Surf Boat Race: J. Stringfellow, P. Wales, I. Hodgkinson, G. Annear, R. Bosworth. 1975-76 Junior Beach Sprint: R. Murphy. 1976-77 Junior Champion Lifesaver: B. Jones. 1977-78 Senior Surf Boat Race: J. Stringfellow, G. Williamson, R. Brimage, T. Foley, S. Wales. Page 51

PRINCIPAL OFFICE BEARERSSEASON 1932/33 Patron R.G. Oldham; President H.A.Sharp; Deputy President B.Johnson; Vice President W. Kemp; Secretary Registrar R.G. Stainthorpe; Treasurer C. Franetovich; Captain A. Kemp; Vice Captain Patrol Officer A. Cook, D. Batson. SEASON 1933/34 Patron R.G. Oldham; President H.A. Sharp; Deputy President B. Johnson; Vice President H. Nuttall, S. Wiltshire, E. Bowyer; Secretary Registrar R.G. Stainthorpe; Treasurer J. Allen; Captain A. Kemp; Vice Captain Patrol Officer A. Cook. SEASON 1934/35 Patron R.G. Oldham; President J. Allen Snr; Deputy President W. Kemp; Vice President P. Maloney, A. Lawrence, H. Nuttall, S. Wiltshire; Secretary Registrar R.G. Stainthorpe; Treasurer J. Allen; Captain R. Claybrook; Vice Captain Patrol Officer A. Kelly, R. Claybrook. SEASON 1935/36 Patron R.G. Oldham; President J. Allen Snr; Deputy President H. Nuttall; Vice President S. Wiltshire, B. Johnston; Secretary Registrar C.R. Kemp; Treasurer J. Allen; Captain H. Newby; Vice Captain Patrol Officer R. Claybrook, R.G. Stainthorpe. SEASON 1936/37 Patron R.G. Oldham; President J. Allen Snr;Deputy President S. Wiltshire; Vice President E. Power, H. Dixon, E. Bowyer, A. Claybrook; Secretary Registrar C.R. Kemp; Treasurer J. Allen; Captain J. Allen; Captain R. Claybrook; Vice Captain Patrol Officer H. Newby, O.J. Gallon; Boat Captain F. Farrant. SEASON 1937/38 Patron R.G. Oldham; President J. Allen Snr; Secretary Registrar J. Allen Snr; Captain R. Claybrook. SEASON 1938/39 Patron R.G. Oldham; President S. Wiltshire; Deputy President W. Kemp; Vice President E. Bowyer, A. Claybrook, J. Cook, H. Holyoake; Secretary Registrar W. Godfrey; Treasurer F. Farrant; Captain R. Claybrook; Vice Captain Patrol Officer A. Cook, R. Arnold; Boat Captain T. Colvin; Chief Instructor O. Gallon. SEASON 1939/40 Patron C. North MLA; President S. Wiltshire; Deputy President W. Kemp; Vice President J. Allen, B. Kaye, H. Holyoake; Secretary Registrar W. Godfrey; Treasurer F. Farrant; Captain R. Claybrook; Vice Captain Patrol Officer R. Atkinson, J. Allen; Boat Captain R. Claybrook; Chief Instructor J. Allen Jnr. SEASON 1940/41 Patron C. North MLA; President W. Kemp; Deputy President J. Allen Snr; Vice President A. Kemp, H. Weir, W. Hughes, H. Holyoake, A. Cook; Secretary Registrar R. Hogan; Treasurer A.J. Marks; Captain T. Woodall; Vice Captain Patrol Officer W. Godfrey, A. Kemp; Boat Captain C. Gibbs; Chief Instructor K. Claybrook. Page 52 SEASON 1941/42 Patron C. North MLA; PresidentW. Kernp; Deputy President J. Allen Snr; Vice President W. Hughes; Secretary Registrar A. Cook; Treasurer A.J. Marks; Captain T. Woodall; Vice Captain Patrol Officer E. Freeman, A. Kemp; Boat Captain T. Colvin; Chief Instructor W. Godfrey. SEASON 1942/43 Patron C. North MLA; President W. Kemp; Deputy President W. Hughes; Vice President F. Totterdell; Secretary Registrar R.J. Trigg; Treasurer A.J. Marks; Captain T. Woodall; Vice Captain Patrol Officer A. Walsh, A. Kemp; Boat Captain F. Totterdall; Chief Instructor W. Godfrey. SEASON 1943/44 Patron C. North MLA; President W. Kemp; Deputy President P. Cook; Vice President F. Totterdell; Secretary Registrar R.J. Trigg; Treasurer A.J. Marks; Captain T. Woodall; Vice Captain Patrol Officer A. Walsh; Boat Captain R. Rowley; Chief Instructor W. Godfrey. SEASON 1944/45 Patron C. North MLA; PresidentW. Kemp; Deputy President W. Hughes; Vice President L. Cornish; Secretary Registrar R.I. Dover; Treasurer A.J. Marks; Captain T. Woodall; Vice Captain Patrol Officer W. Dorizzi, F.J. Thorpe; Boat Captain R. Rowley; Chief Inspector T. Woodall. SEASON 1945/46 Patron C. North MLA: President W. Kemp; Deputy President J. Allen Snr; Vice President R. Claybrook, W. Hughes, A. Cook, L. Cornish; Secretary Registrar R.I. Dover; Treasurer A.J. Marks; Captain T. Woodall; Vice Captain Patrol Officer R. Claybrook, A. Kemp; Boat Captain R. Rowley; Chief Instructor T. Woodall, R. Claybrook. SEASON 1946/47 Patron C. North MLA; President W. Kemp; Deputy President J. Allen Snr; Vice President L. Cornish, S. Wiltshire; R. Claybrook, W. Hughes, A. Cook; Secretary Registrar R.J. Trigg; Treasurer T. Hall; Captain T. Woodall; Vice Captain Patrol Officer R. Claybrook, A. Kemp; Boat Captain T. Colvin; Chief Instructor K. Claybrook. SEASON 1947/48 Patron C. North MLA; President W. Kemp; Deputy President J. Allen Snr; Vice President L. Cornish, S. Wiltshire, W. Hughes, R. Claybrook, A. Cook; Secretary Registrar R.I. Dover; Treasurer T. Hall; Captain B.H. Kelly; Vice Captain Patrol Officer A. Walsh, D. Allen; Boat Captain T. Colvin; Chief Instructor K. Claybrook. SEASON 1948/49 Patron C. North MLA; President W. Kemp; Deputy President R.J. Trigg; Vice President L. Cornish; Secretary Registrar R.I. Dover; Treasurer R.J. Trigg; Captain B.H. Kelly; Vice Captain Patrol Officer J. Kelly; Boat Captain T. Colvin; Chief Instructor K. Claybrook. SEASON 1949/50 Patron A. Watson; President W. Kemp; Deputy President R.J. Trigg; Vice President R.Cook; Secretary Registrar S.D. Rowe; Treasurer G. Atherton; Captain B.H. Kelly; Vice Captain Patrol Officer J. Kelly, A. Kemp; Boat Captain A. Martin; Chief Instructor F.J. Thorpe. SEASON 1950/51 Patron A. Watson; President W. Kemp; Deputy President L. Cornish; Vice President R. Proud; Secretary Registrar R.J. Trigg; Treasurer G. Atherton; Captain J. Kelly; Vice Captain Patrol Officer A. Martin; Boat Captain S. ]ones; Chief Instructor F.J. Thorpe. SEASON 1951/52 Patron C. North MLA; President W. Kemp; Deputy President R.J. Trigg; Vice President W. Hughes; Treasurer E. Nuttall; Captain G. Atherton; Vice Captain Patrol Officer J. Kelly, D. Ogier; Boat Captain B. Vince; Chief Instructor F.J. Thorpe. Page 53 SEASON 1952/53 Patron C. North MLA; President R.J. Trigg; Deputy President W. Kemp; Vice President H. Newby; Secretary Registrar S.D. Rowe; Treasurer E. Nuttall; Captain F.J. Thorne; Vice Captain Patrol Officer W.G. Wales, J. Kelly; Boat Captain J. Kelly; Chief Instructor G.W. Williamson. SEASON 1953/54 Patron C. North MLA; President R.J. Trigg; Deputy President W. Kemp; Secretary Registrar C.I. Weir, S.D. Rowe, D.G. Ogier; Treasurer B.V. Weir, N.G. Buchanan; Captain F.J. Thorne; Vice Captain Patrol Officer W.G. Wales, C. Bowyer; Boat Captain W. Wegner; Chief Instructor G.W. Williamson, S.D. Rowe. SEASON 1954/55 Patron C.W.M. Court MLA; President R.J. Trigg; Deputy President H. Goldthorpe; Vice President W. Kemp; Secretary Registrar G.W. Williamson; Treasurer N.G. Buchanan; Captain F.J. Thorne; Vice Captain Patrol Officer W.G. Wales; Boat Captain R. Walker; Chief Instructor S.D. Rowe. SEASON 1955/56 Patron C.W.M. Court MLA; President R.J. Trigg; Deputy President H. Goldthorpe; Vice President F.J. Thome; Secretary Registrar L. Payne; Treasurer N.G. Buchanan; Captain I. Holmes; Vice Captain Patrol Officer J. Craze; Boat Captain R. Walker; Chief Instructor G.W. Williamson. SEASON 1956/57 Patron C.W.M. Court MLA; President T.B. Hook; Deputy President F.J. Thorne; Vice President H. Goldthorpe; Secretary Registrar R.J. Trigg; Treasurer B.V. Weir; Captain G.W. Williamson; Vice Captain Patrol Officer K.A.W. Kemp; Boat Captain R. Walker; Chief Instructor W.G. Wales. SEASON 1957/58 Patron C.W.M. Court MLA; President T.B. Hook; Deputy President F.J. Thorne; Vice President H. Goldthorpe; Secretary Pegistrar R.B. Gadsby; Treasurer B.V. Weir; Captain R.A. Vivian; Vice Captain Patrol Officer R. Vaisey; Boat Captain J. Wood; Chief Instructor C. Bowyer. SEASON 1958/59 Patron C.W.M. Court MLA; President T.B. Hook; Deputy President F.J. Thorne; Vice President H. Goldthorpe; Secretary Registrar R.J. Trigg; Treasurer B.V. Weir; Captain R.A. Vivian; Vice Captain Patrol Officer R. Vaisey, N. Sladden; Boat Captain J. Wood; Chief Instructor G.W. Williamson. SEASON 1959/60 Patron C.W.M. Court MLA; President F.J. Thorne; Deputy President W.G. Wales; Vice President H. Goldthorpe; Secretary Registrar R.J. Trigg; Treasurer B.V. Weir; Captain C. Bowyer; Vice Captain Patrol Officer F.Strauss; Boat Captain J. Wood; Chief lnstructor G.W. Williamson. SEASON 1960/61 Patron C.W.M. Court MLA; President R.J. Trigg; Deputy President F.J. Thorne; Vice President H. Goldthorpe; Secretary Registrar J. Wheian; Treasurer E.H. Foley; Vice Captain Patrol Officer C. Bowyer, R.A. Vivian; Boat Captain A. Harbinson; Chief Instructor K.D. Jones. SEASON 1961/62 Patron C.W.M. Court MLA; President R.J. Trigg; Deputy President R.A. Vivian; Vice President F.J. Thorne; Secretary Registrar J. Whelan; Treasurer E.H. Foley; Captain K.A.W. Kemp; Vice Captain Patrol Officer I.S. Atkinson; Boat Captain E.K. Jaggard; Chief Instructor K.D. Jones. Page 54 SEASON 1962/63 Patron: C.W.M. Court MLA; President F.J. Thome; Deputy President R.A. Vivian; Vice President E.D. Griffin Snr; Secretary Registrar J. Whelan; Treasurer E.H. Foley; Captain K.A.W. Kemp; Vice Captain Patrol Officer I.S. Atkinson, J.F. Staples; Boat Captain E.K. Jaggard; Chief Instructor K.D. Jones. SEASON 1963/64 Patron: C.W.M. Court MLA; President G.W. Williamson; Deputy President R.A. Vivian; Vice President E.D. Griffin Snr; Secretary President J. Whelan; Treasurer E.H. Foley; Captain K.A.W. Kemp; Vice Captain Patrol Officer K.D. Jones; Boat Captain E.K. Jaggard, L. Bath; Chief Instructor L.D.Y. Healy. SEASON 1964/65 Patron: C.W.M. Court MLA; President W. Williamson; Deputy President P.R. Brown; Vice President E.D. Griffin Snr; Secretary Registrar R.G. Field; Treasurer F.H. Foley; Captain C.D. Cook; Vice Captain Patrol Officer I.E. Foley; Boat Captain J. Stringfellow; Chief Instructor L.D.Y. Healy. SEASON 1965/66 Patron: C.W.M. Court MLA; President G.W. Williamson; Deputy President P.R. Brown; Vice President E.D. Griffin Snr; Secretary Registrar G.W. Williamson; Treasurer T.S. Martin; Captain K.D. ]ones; Vice Captain Patrol Officer D.G. Greenhill; Boat Captain Stringfellow; Chief Instructor R.G. Milne. SEASON 1966/67 Patron: C.W.M. Court MLA; President G.W. Williamson; Deputy President E.K.G. Jaggard; Vice President E.D. Griffin Snr; Secretary Registrar J.S. Thomas; Treasurer J.E. Foley; Captain L.D.Y. Healy; Vice Captain Patrol Officer R. Dorrizzi; Boat Captain K.G. Jolly; Chief Instructor R.G. Milne. SEASON 1967/68 Patron: C.W.M. Court MLA; President G.W. Williamson, E.K.G. Jaggard; Deputy President E.K.G. Jaggard, C.D. Cook; Vice President E.D. Griffin Snr; Secretary Registrar J.S. Thomas; Treasurer I.E. Foley; Captain R.G. Milne; Vice Captain Patrol Officer R. Dorrizzi, C. McLeod; Boat Captain E.K. Jaggard; Chief Instructor G.D. Miller. SEASON 1968/69 Patron: C.W.M. Court MLA; President E.K.G. Jaggard; Deputy President C.D. Cook; Vice President E.D. Griffin Snr; Secretary Registrar J.S. Thomas; Treasuer J.E. Foley; Captain R.G. Milne; Vice Captain Patrol Officer C. McLeod; Boat Captain E.K. Jaggard; Chief Instructor G.D. Miller. SEASON 1969/70 Patron: J. Chas Smith; President E.K.G. Jaggard; Deputy President C.D.Cook; Vice President E.D. Griffin Snr; Secretary Registrar J.S. Thomas; Treasurer G.D. Miller; Captain R.G. Milne; Vice Captain Patrol Officer M. Miller; Boat Captain J. Stringfellow; Chief Instructor R. Thomas. SEASON 1970/71 Patron: J. Chas Smith; President E.H. Foley; Deputy President J. Stringfellow; Vice President E.D. Griffin Snr; Secretary Registrar C.D. Cook; Treasurer G.D. Miller; Captain R.G. Milne; Vice Captain Patrol Officer P.M. Goff; Boat Captain Stringfellow; Chief Instructor M. Miller. SEASON 1971/72 Patron: J. Chas Smith; President E.H.Foley; Deputy President R.G.Milne; Vice President C.D. Cook; Secretary Registrar P.M. Goff; Treasurer G.D. Miller; Captain T. Foley, P.M. Wales; Vice Captain Patrol Officer P.M. Wales, I.R. Griffin; Boat Captain Stringfellow; Chief Instructor R. Carter.' Page 55 SEASON 1972/73 Patron J. Chas Smith; President E.H. Foley; Deputy President P.M. Goff; Vice President E.D. Griffin Snr; Secretary Registrar L.T. Bath; Treasurer G.D. Miller; Captain P.M. Wales; Vice Captain Patrol Officer I.R. Griffin; Boat Captain J. Stringfellow; Chief Instructor R.G. Milne. SEASON 1973/74 Patron J. Chas Smith; President J.E. Foley; Deputy President E.K.G. Jaggard; Vice President J. Stringfellow; Secretary Registrar L.T. Bath; Treasurer G.D. Miller; Captain P.M. Wales; Vice Captain Patrol Officer R.G. Bosworth; Boat Captain R. Brimage; Chief Instructor R.G. Milne. SEASON 1974/75 Patron J. Chas Smith; President C.D. Cook; Deputy President G.S. Williamson; Vice President J. Stringfellow; Secretary Registrar C. Oddie, J. Klauz; Treasurer G.D. Miller; Captain R.G. Bosworth; Vice Captain Patrol Officer S. Wales, N. McPhail; Boat Captain G.S. Williamson; Chief Instructor A. McCann. SEASON 1975/76 Patron J. Chas Smith; President C.D. Cook; Deputy President G.S. Williamson; Vice President E.K. Jaggard; Secretary Registrar J. Klauz; Treasurer G.D. Miller; Captain R.G. Bosworth; Vice Captain Patrol Officer S. Wales; Boat Captain J. Stringfellow; Chief Instructor M. Klauz. SEASON 1976/77 Patron J. Chas Smith; President G.W. Williamson; Deputy President G.S. Williamson; Vice President E.K. Jaggard; Secretary Registrar L.T. Bath; Treasurer J. Stringfellow; Captain R.G. Bosworth; Vice Captain Patrol Officer S. Wales; Boat Captain J. Stringfellow; Chief Instructor M. Klauz. SEASON 1977/78 Patron 1. Chas Smith; President E.K.G. Jaggard; Deputy President G.S. Williamson; Vice President L.T. Bath; Secretary Registrar R.G. Bosworth; Treasurer J. Stringfellow; Captain T. Foley; Vice Captain Patrol Officer I.N. Martinovich; Boat Captain J. Stringfellow; Chief Instructor B. Jones. SEASON 1978/79 Patron 1. Chas Smith; President P.M. Goff; Deputy President R.J. Carter; Vice President L.T. Bath; Secretary Registrar R.G. Bosworth; Treasurer J. Stringfellow; Captain G.S. Williamson; Vice Captain Patrol Officer I.N. Martinovich; Boat Captain J. Stringfellow; Chief Instructor M. Klauz. SEASON 1979/80 Patron D.C.Cruickshank; President R.G.Bosworth; Deputy President I.N. Martinovich; Vice President G.S. Williamson; Secretary Registrar G. Olsen; Treasurer J. Stringfellow; Captain P.M. Wales; Vice Captain Patrol Officer I. McDonald; Boat Captain T. Foley, J. Stringfellow; Chief Instructor B. Jones. SEASON 1980/81 Patron J. Parker (Mrs); President R.G.Bosworth; Deputy President K.G.lolly; Vice President P.M. Golf, Secretary Registrar I.N. MartinoAch; Treasurer J. Stringfellow; Captain P.M. Wales; Vice Captain Patrol Officer R. Johnston; Boat Captain J. Stringfellow; Chief Instructor I.N. Martinovich. SEASON 1981/82 Patron J. Parker (Mrs); President R.G. Bosworth; Deputy President G.S. Williamson; Vice President E.K. Jaggard; Secretary Registrar I. McDonald; Treasurer P.M. Jaggard (Mrs); Captain J.M. Gliddon; Vice Captain Patrol Officer G. Doney; Boat Captain G.S. Williamson; Chief Instructor E.G. Buist. SEASON 1982/83 Patron D.C. Cruickshank; President G.S. Williamson; Deputy President J.G. Russell; Vice President E.K. Jaggard; Secretary Registrar I. McDonald; Treasurer P.M. Jaggard (Mrs); Captain J.M. Gliddon; Vice Captain Patrol Officer T. Fry; Boat Captain K.G. Jolly; Chief Instructor E.G. Buist. Page 56

1965 State and Australian Junior Surf Boat Champions. T. Bidwell, T. Colby, J. Stringfellow, B. Herdsman, K. Jolly. Page 57

1968 State Champion Surfboat Crew. L Jaggard, J. Foley, G. Sladden, T. Foley, (L. Bath In place of M. Jones).

Launching of Cygnet III, September 1968. E Jaggard, Boat Captain. Page 58

1970 State Junior Surf Boat Champions. t 973 State Senior Surf Boat Champions. I. Hodgkinson, G. Annear, J. Stringfellow, R. Bosworth, P. Wales (photographed with aluminium surfboat Mona Vale, N.S.W.).

Cygnet IV returning to shore after launching, February 1973. J. Stringfellow, Boat Captain. Page 59

1973 Premier R & R Team. W. Pettitt, R. Milne, E. Jaggard, D. Thompson, G. Miller, L. Bath, (absent D. Pye), Coach D. Greenhill. Page 60


A BRIEF HISTORY OF 75 YEARS OFLIFESAVING SERVICE TO AUSTRALIA Until 1902, open bathing on beaches in Australia was banned. Furthermore, mixed bathing in public was an offence. After a prolonged campaign these restrictions were lifted in that year and bathing on the beaches became general. Thus was created a new field of pleasure which the young and old of both sexes could enjoy together, combining the benefits of sun, sand, salt water with great personal freedom. Numerous cases of bathers getting into difficulties, and occasional drownings during the infancy of surf bathing, led to the formation of several lifesaving clubs on Sydney beaches. Quite voluntarily the young men who formed these clubs undertook the work of guarding the beaches in their leisure hours. The efforts of these pioneers met with great success, but it quickly became evident that even better results would be obtained by united action and standardised approaches to surf lifesaving. Page 61 In October 1907, a group of far-sighted men met in Sydney to form the existing clubs into what was then known as the N.S.W. Surf Bathers Association, the forerunner of the present day SURF LIFESAVING ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA. Clubs represented at this meeting were Bondi, Manly, Coogee, Tamarama, Maroubra and North Steyne. The first examination for the surf Bronze Medallion was held at Bondi in January 1910. Since that time over 10,000 candidates have successfully achieved their bronze medallion and so providing the voluntary lifesavers who protect Australia's beaches. Over 250,000 rescues have been recorded. There are over 230 clubs located around the Australian coastline. While this development was going on in New South Wales a parallel but entirely separate development occurred in Western Australia. In 1909 the Cottesloe Life Saving and Athletic Club was formed with the assistance of Sergeant Smith of the W.A. Police Force and the Royal Life Saving Society. In 1912 the North Cottesloe club was formed along much the same lines as Cottlesloe. In 1925-26 under the leadership of Mr J.L. Paton of the Cottesloe club the West Australian Surf Lifesaving Association was formed; foundation clubs were Cottesloe, North Cottesloe and City of Perth which began in 1924. From the very humble beginnings of a fragmented voluntary surf rescue service, the Surf Life Saving Association of Australia has now achieved world recognition for the outstanding dedication and service of its members. It has also been instrumental in the formation of lifesaving clubs and organisations throughout the world. The Swanbourne-Nedlands Club is proud to be part of this magnificent organisation and to be sharing the Association's 75th Anniversary with its own 50th year of existence. Page 62

1978 State Senior Boat Crew Champions. S. Wales, G. Willamson, J. Stringfellow, R. Brimage, T. Foley. Page 63

The first of the Inflatable Rescue Boats, December t 977. G. Williamson (skipper) and B. Jones.

Don Rogers Toyota 4 Wheel Drive Beach Patrol Vehicle, handed over November 1980. Page 64

1979 Australian Reserve Grade Surf Boat Champions. P. Wales, R. Bosworth, K. Jolly, I. Hodgkinson, G. Olsen. Rear Cover

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