Swanbourne Nedlands Surf Life Saving Club welcomes you to our Open Day on Sunday 8th September from 3:00 pm.
Everyone is welcome! Find out information and register for Woodside Nippers, join the next Swanny Bronze Medallion course or come check out our Club and learn more about lifesaving, education and surf sports! There will be plenty of current Members to ask about the Club and the season ahead, Swanny merchandise to pick up and the new facilities to explore. We’ll have a few portfolio stalls and a Management Committee stall where you can ask the hard hitting questions. Our own Swanny Youth will also be running a Colour Splash so bring your whole family and friends down to join in.
If you've got friends or family interested, let them know about Swanny's Open Day. We're looking forward to seeing everyone there.
The Youth Officers have been put together a fundraiser to help support the Swanny Youth Camp. Please come down with family and friends to support our Youth who will be running it on the event. Tickets are $10 without a white shirt or $15 with a white shirt - pay on the day.
Register on the Google form here and make sure to register everyone who will be participating! The close of registrations is Thursday 5th September.