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Points Races Round 2024/25 – Results and Standings

Tim Tucak

Points Races Programme

Swanny Points Races Season 2024/25 Programme - TBA

Points Races Guide

Read the Points Races Guide for the what, why, who and how as well as how to win of Points Races!  

Points Races Round 01

Thank you to Lisa Engelbrecht and Claire Tucak for timekeeping and Bella Alcorn for water safety. Conditions were quite challenging and only two buoys were able to be set correctly, the third coming off in the shorebreak, dragging the anchor off the rescue board and end up too close to shore! Thanks to John Henderson and Andrew Engelbrecht for retrieving the buoys and anchors. No Board Race was held given the conditions and the buoys (or lack thereof!).

Points Races Round 02 

Thank you to Ruby Lorimer and Chris Turner for timekeeping and Tilly, Jarvis and Indy Banfield for water safety. First Board Race with Tom Peebles having a paddle.

Points Races Round 03

Thank you to Amanda Simper and Claire Tucak for timekeeping and Timothy Tucak and Chris Turner for water safety. To set and retrieve the buoys involved 2 km of paddling and carrying a rescue board!

Following Round 03, the following competitors have qualified for the Presidents' Cup, Oldham Memorial Cup and the F. E. Ford Cup:

Andrew Engelbrecht

John Henderson 'Hendo'

Following Round 03, the following competitors have qualified for the Duncan McPhail Trophy:

John Henderson 'Hendo'

Timothy Tucak

Yvonne Stickland

Following Round 03, the following competitors have qualified for the Caris Cup Club Marathon:

John Henderson 'Hendo'

Points Races Round 04

Thank you to Oli Defrancesco, Fiona McLarty, Lisa Engelbrecht and Susie Defrancesco for timekeeping and the Patrol for water safety. Permanent buoys installed by Peran 'Pez' Bishop and his crew. This means no more tackling the Shorebreak with anchors and buoys on a rescue board. The handicapping should also be more consistent.

Following Round 04, the following competitors have qualified for the Presidents' Cup, Oldham Memorial Cup and the F. E. Ford Cup:

Philip Cave

Timothy Tucak

Following Round 04, the following competitors have qualified for the Duncan McPhail Trophy:

Philip Cave

Following Round 04, the following competitors have qualified for the Caris Cup Club Marathon:

Philip Cave

Timothy Tucak

Points Races Round 05

Thank you John Henderson for running Points Races, Eli Harrison, Emma, Lisa Engelbrecht and Deb Lyons for timekeeping and Susie Defrancesco, Bella Alcorn and Dave Morley for water safety. Margaret River Proficiency Weekend.

Following Round 05, the following competitors have qualified for the Presidents' Cup, Oldham Memorial Cup and the F. E. Ford Cup:

Champ Phetiam

Stirling Stilwell

Erin Gallagher

Lisa Engelbrecht

Following Round 05, the following competitors have qualified for the Duncan McPhail Trophy:

Champ Phetiam

Stirling Stilwell

Following Round 05, the following competitors have qualified for the Caris Cup Club Marathon:

Champ Phetiam

Stirling Stilwell

Points Races Round 06

Thank you to Neve Stilwell, Lisa Engelbrecht and Peter Brigg for timekeeping and Ruby Lorimer and Sophie Yde for water safety.

Following Round 06, the following competitors have qualified for the Presidents' Cup, Oldham Memorial Cup and the F. E. Ford Cup:

Susie Defrancesco

Yvonne Stickland

Following Round 06, the following competitors have qualified for the Duncan McPhail Trophy:

Andrew Engelbrecht

Hannah Engelbrecht

Following Round 06, the following competitors have qualified for the Caris Cup Club Marathon:

Andrew Engelbrecht

Yvonne Stickland

Points Races Round 07 

Thank you to Georgia Pegrum, Lisa Engelbrecht and Andrew Engelbrecht for timekeeping and Ray Lampard for water safety. Georgia Pegrum becomes the first female competitor in the Board Race on her new board! Choppy conditions and hard work!

Following Round 07, the following competitors have qualified for the Presidents' Cup, Oldham Memorial Cup and the F. E. Ford Cup:

Peter Brigg 'Briggy'

In determining the results and standings for Round 07, the 'course/conditions' adjustment factor was set as an average of 1.0 for the 4 weeks of Points Races conducted with the Permanent Buoys (10 November to 1 December)


Points Races Round 08

Thank you to Kate Hutchinson and Andrew Pebbles for timekeeping and Jason Williams, David Crawford and Chris Turner for water safety. Apparently conditions were good for Points Races. Handicapper at 2024 Fuel to Go & Play WA State Champion Lifesaver at Sorrento, thank you for conducting Points Races in my absence.

Following Round 08, the following competitors have qualified for the Presidents' Cup, Oldham Memorial Cup and the F. E. Ford Cup:

Chris Turner

Following Round 08, the following competitors have qualified for the Duncan McPhail Trophy:

Alen Pazin

Fiona McLarty

Points Races Round 09

Thank you to Lisa Engelbrecht for timekeeping and Liam Turner and Robbie Brigg for water safety. Tom Peebles completed the Long Swim, whilst the rest of the competitors completed the Run Swim Run, to qualify him for the Presidents' Cup next weekend.

Following Round 09, the following competitors have qualified for the Presidents' Cup, Oldham Memorial Cup and the F. E. Ford Cup:

Alen Pazin

Tom Peebles

Kristie Orchard

Following Round 09, the following competitors have qualified for the Duncan McPhail Trophy:

Josh Engelbrecht

Kristie Orchard

Following Round 09, the following competitors have qualified for the Caris Cup Club Marathon:

Alen Pazin

Kristie Orchard

Points Races Round 10

The Presidents' Cup held at 8:00 am comprised the Long Swim for Round 10. Results of the Presidents' Cup are here. This was followed by the Long Run and a Run Swim Run, before the Christening of Cygnet XI. Thank you to Claire Tucak for timekeeping

Following Round 10, the following competitors have qualified for the Oldham Memorial Cup and the F. E. Ford Cup:

Josh Engelbrecht

Claire Tucak

Hannah Engelbrecht

Following Round 10, the following competitors have qualified for the Caris Cup Club Marathon:

Josh Engelbrecht

Hannah Engelbrecht

Points Races Round 11

Thank you to Cody Yarwood, Eli Harrison and Andrew Engelbrecht for timekeeping and Fynn Watt and Oliver Grant Smith for water safety. Fabulous conditions for Points Races, with calm conditions and clear water. Those swimming with goggles had a great view of the bottom. An error in the handicapping spreadsheet was corrected, that affected the slower Long Swim times that were being capped.

Following Round 11, the following competitors have qualified for the Oldham Memorial Cup and the F. E. Ford Cup:

Joanne (Jo) Turton

Following Round 11, the following competitors have qualified for the Duncan McPhail Trophy:

Lisa Engelbrecht

Following Round 11, the following competitors have qualified for the Caris Cup Club Marathon:

Lisa Engelbrecht

Points Races Round 12

Thank you to Mark Grzanka for timekeeping and conducting Points Races in the absence of the Handicapper.

Following Round 12, the following competitors have qualified for the Oldham Memorial Cup and the F. E. Ford Cup:

Robert (Robbie) Brigg

Following Round 12, the following competitors have qualified for the Duncan McPhail Trophy:

Robert (Robbie) Brigg

Following Round 12, the following competitors have qualified for the Caris Cup Club Marathon:

Robert (Robbie) Brigg

Points Races Round 13

Thank you to Lydia Defrancesco, Andrew Peebles and Valentina Kuruc for timekeeping and recording. Thank you to Oli Defrancesco for water safety. The Oldham Memorial Cup held at 8:15 am comprised the Long Swim for Round 13.  Results of the Oldham Memorial Cup are here. This was followed by the Long Run and a Run Swim Run, before the Swanbourne Cup Mixed Board Rescue.

Points Races Round 14

Thank you to Oli Defrancesco, Lydia Defrancesco, Ali Stickland, Liv Gilmour and Finlay Preston for water safety. Thank you to Timothy Tucak for timekeeping and recording. The F. E. Ford Cup held at 8:10 am comprised the Long Swim for Round 14. Results of the F. E. Ford Cup are here. The Duncan McPhail Trophy held at 10:15 am comprised the Long Run for Round 14. Results of the Duncan McPhail Trophy are here. This was followed by a Run-Swim-Run and a Board Race. Apologies to Susie Defrancesco for starting the Board Race without her (awarded a point as compensation). Thanks to the IRB Crew for retrieving the buoys from the F. E. Ford Cup.

Points Races Round 15

Points Races Round 16

Points Races Round 17

Points Races Round 18

Points Races Round 19 & 20 

Points Races Champions 2024/25

Congratulations to our Points Races Champions for Season 2024/25:

Long Swim: Ellie Turton and John Henderson

Long Run: Ellie Turton and Tim Tucak

Run Swim Run: Jo Turton and Tim Tucak

Board: Ellie Turton and Stirling Stilwell

Overall: Ellie Turton and Tim Tucak

Thanks to everyone who took part or helped with timekeeping/water safety.    

Points Races will run on the following basis this Season:

Season winners shall be awarded on the sum of the aggregate points in each race, for only those races that were conducted regularly and on a handicap basis, in the following categories or as determined by the Points Races Officer:

• Male

• Female

In the event of there being a tie, all tied competitors shall be deemed the winner.

Overall season winners shall be awarded on the sum of aggregate points in all races, for only those races that were conducted regularly and on a handicap basis, in the following categories or as determined by the Points Races Officer.

• Male

• Female

In the event of there being a tie, all tied competitors shall be deemed the winner.

Post Categories

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